Fences enhance property aesthetics, ensure security, and provide privacy. For the safeguarding of the landlord, nearby residents, and the Village of Wilmette, fences are becoming increasingly necessary and advantageous for any property. Whether you’re looking for a fence company Wilmette, or just exploring general fencing options, understanding the critical elements of different fences can guide your decision-making process. Selecting the correct wall can improve the appearance of your property, increase its value, and provide the security or privacy you require. Comprehending your fencing needs is essential to making an informed choice. This guide will walk you through the various aspects of fencing, types of materials, styles, regulations, and maintenance tips to help you find the perfect fence for your property. Whether you aim for aesthetic appeal, security, or a combination, the right wall can significantly enhance your property.

Introduction to Fencing Needs

Fencing serves various purposes, from securing the property and providing privacy to enhancing aesthetic appeal. Identifying your primary fencing needs before narrowing down your options is essential. For instance, a family with young children might prioritize a secure play area, while someone living in a busy neighborhood might value privacy the most. Whether you require a strong barrier for safety or a beautifully crafted fence for decoration, understanding your goals will guide you in making the best choice.

Types of Fencing Materials


Wooden fences are a timeless choice, offering a classic and natural look. Cedar and pine are popular types of wood often used for fencing. Cedar is highly preferred for its long-lasting quality and ability to repel insects. It also possesses a natural resilience to dampness, which stops the wood from rotting and decomposing. Cedar also has superior weathering properties, making it an excellent choice for outdoor elements. Pine, on the other hand, is more cost-effective but requires regular maintenance.


Vinyl fencing is recognized for being durable and needing minimal maintenance. Unlike wood, vinyl does not rot, warp, or require painting. This material can last for decades while maintaining its appearance, making it a cost-effective option for many homeowners. Vinyl fences provide design flexibility and long-lasting durability without frequent upkeep.


Metal fences, like aluminum or wrought iron, are well-known for their durability and long lifespan. Aluminum fencing is lightweight and resistant to rust, making it ideal for wet climates. Wrought iron, while offering a classic and sturdy look, requires more maintenance to prevent rust and keep it looking new. Metal fences can be expensive but provide unparalleled durability and security, often suitable for high-security needs or elegant garden designs.

Styles of Fences

Privacy Fences

Privacy fences are typically taller and provide a solid barrier that blocks visibility. They are ideal for homeowners who value seclusion and security. Common materials for privacy fences include wood and vinyl. These fences can be tailored in height and design to comply with local laws and suit personal tastes. Privacy fences also help reduce noise, making them a good choice for properties near busy roads or commercial areas.

Picket Fences

Picket fences offer a charming, traditional look often associated with suburban homes. They are usually made of wood or vinyl and feature evenly spaced-vertical boards. Picket fences are shorter than privacy fences, making them suitable for front yards where aesthetics are a priority. The style can enhance the curb appeal of your property and is often used to delineate gardens or front yards without obstructing views.

Decorative Fences

Decorative fences are used primarily for their aesthetic value. They can be made of various materials, including wood, metal, and vinyl. Lattice fences or specially crafted panels can bring a sense of sophistication and improve a property’s overall landscape design. These fences can provide partial privacy while allowing air and light to pass, adding a decorative element to gardens and yards.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Fence


Your fence’s primary purpose will significantly influence your choice of material and style. If security is a top concern, opting for a sturdy metal or tall privacy fence is advisable. A decorative or picket fence might be more suitable for those focusing on aesthetics. Define your fencing goals clearly to ensure your needs are met. Consider how the wall will function within your property’s unique landscape and impact daily life.


Your budget is another critical factor. Wooden and vinyl fences can be more affordable, whereas metal fences, particularly wrought iron, are usually more costly. It’s essential to balance initial costs with long-term maintenance expenses. Planning your budget wisely can help you avoid overspending while achieving your desired results. Evaluate the installation cost, materials, and future maintenance to determine the best financial option.


Each material has its own set of maintenance requirements. Wooden fences might need regular staining or painting to protect against weather and pests, while vinyl fences require minimal upkeep, often only periodic cleaning with soap and water. Metal fences need checking for rust and may require occasional painting to maintain their appearance. Evaluate the amount of time and effort you are willing to dedicate to maintaining your fence, as this will significantly affect your satisfaction with your decision.

Local Regulations and Permits

Before installing a fence, it is crucial to check local regulations and obtain necessary permits. Regulations may dictate the height, style, and placement of your fence. Adherence to the rules may result in punishments or required modifications. Always consult with local authorities or a fence company for guidance on regulations in your area. This step ensures that you avoid legal complications and that your fence enhances rather than detracts from the neighborhood’s aesthetics.

Tips for Fence Maintenance

Regular maintenance can extend the duration of life of your fence and maintain its appearance at its peak. Regular staining or painting can protect against the elements and prevent the rotting of wooden fences. Cleaning the wall to remove dirt, mildew, and moss will keep it in good condition. Vinyl fences should be washed periodically to remove dirt and debris, and any damage should be repaired promptly to prevent further issues. Metal fences need routine inspections for rust and may require repainting to enhance their weather resistance. By adhering to these maintenance suggestions, you can guarantee that your fence stays in good working order and looks appealing for a long time.


Choosing the right fence involves considering various factors such as material, style, purpose, budget, and maintenance. By identifying your needs and exploring available choices, you can discover a fence that not just fulfills your needs but also boosts the attractiveness and worth of your property. Remember to check local regulations and invest in proper maintenance to ensure your fence stands the test of time. A carefully selected fence can offer protection, seclusion, and visual attractiveness, enhancing the value of your residence.