Link building is a pivotal part of your overall search engine optimisation (SEO) strategy. But, that doesn’t mean that link-building is a straightforward process. It has many variables and techniques, and it can prove tricky to stay up to date with the big search engines’ updates and algorithm enhancements. You constantly have to review and evolve your link building strategy to stay ahead of the SEO game. If you want to get back to what you do best, running your core business, consider a link building agency to help you elevate and future-proof your SEO.

Computer Work

A link building agency will help you boost your SEO visibility and search engine ranking, by employing SEO tactics, such as link building. Link building is a process where links or hyperlinks are organically acquired or manually created to signal to Google and other search engines that your content is authoritative and worth indexing, for users to find. There are external links (links that connect to another web page) and internal links (links that connect between pages on your own website). Backlinks are a specific type of link you will want to acquire that link from another website, back to your web content.

An agency will have teams of dedicated link building specialists, content creators and SEO experts to map out your digital marketing goals and create a robust and effective link building profile.

Some of the tactics they might use to link build are:

  • Reach out to other websites and domains to acquire backlinks
  • Perform a backlink audit for your web pages
  • Create original and human-generated content
  • Build authentic links manually with natural anchor text
  • Monitor Webmaster Guidelines regularly and adjust SEO strategies accordingly
  • Keep an eye on poor-quality links connecting back to you.

While the processes of link building are one thing, trying to keep up to date with the enhancements and algorithm updates disseminated by Google and other search engines, adds another layer of detailed effort. If you don’t keep up with ever-evolving Google Webmaster Guidelines and adjust your SEO strategy accordingly, all your SEO efforts can sometimes fall by the wayside. Did you know that Google recently updated their spam policies? Their spam policies were altered to try to reduce the amount of poor-quality content coming up in search results. What does that mean for you? It means you have to keep producing and enhancing your web content and using safe link building tactics. Click here to find out more about spam.

To stay proactive in your SEO efforts and keep up-to-date with Google enhancements, why not ask the expert team at Perfect Link Building, link building agency, in Australia, for some excellent advice on the next steps to take in your SEO journey and link building?