Annapurna Circuit Trek

Annapurna Circuit trek is an excursion inside the mountain extents of central Nepal. This trip crosses two distinctive stream valleys and surrounds the Annapurna Massif. 

These snow-capped peaks, fog-covered valleys, detached networks, and distant religious communities will motivate those with an intense soul and a longing for a complete nature experience. 

These both Treks are full of scenery and enjoyable.These treks are less difficult and harder than other treks like Manaslu Circuit trek and Everest base camp trek.

Langtang Valley Trek

The Langtang Helambu journey is the mix of the two valleys called Langtang Valley and Helambu valley, ensured by the Langtang National park region. 

The incomparable Himalayan view at the outskirts with Tibet and cloisters make a trip to the area an astounding experience. The addition of green rhododendron and bamboo woods, grand falls, and the snow- outgunned Himalayas make the Langtang Helambu trip one of the most varied passages.

Some of the essential keys 

Langtang Valley versus Annapurna circuit trek

Mountain and Nature Scenery: 

The fascinating Annapurna circuit journey takes us around the whole massif of the Annapurna area, coming to the point of Thorong La passes (5,416M). The Annapurna trail finishes the most profound Kali Gandaki Gorge with Mt. Annapurna I toward the east and Mt. Dhaulagiri toward the west. 

The zone is Langtang National Park: Flanking Tibet toward the north and east, the predominant pinnacles of this district are Langtang Lirung, Dorje Lakpa, Drag Marpo Ri, and Yala Peak. This locale is well off in biodiversity with 18 environment types, 14 vegetation types, over 1000 types of blooming plants, types of flying creatures, and untamed lifelike snow panthers, musk deer, ghoral, monkeys, Himalayan mountain bear, and red panda.

Annapurna Versus Langtang Trek

Annapurna versus Langtang Helambu Trek is checked grounded on trip height and trouble position. Both the Langtang Circuit Trek and the Annapurna region is an astounding trip.

 The fantastic Annapurna regions offer an elevation of 5,416 m as you cross the Thorung La Pass along the Annapurna Circuit. This excursion includes a high height of 5000 m where you have to play it safe and adapt.

Generally, Langtang Trek is a short and moderate trip that’s only a couple of hours ’ drive from Kathmandu. The trip is generally famed for ice wastes, conventional city agreements, and thick timber. Alongside the Langtang area, the trip has tons of elevation these days due to its oneness and rudiments than the Annapurna Region.

The path during Langtang Trek includes upward and tough soars with some lofty and thin edges. The trip’s trouble position relies upon the course’s terrain and the season where you decide to travel — Trek to Langtang area also camping and instigative.

 Annapurna circuit Versus Langtang Helambu Trek

Cost for the Trip:

Numerous factors would decide the expense for the Annapurna circuit and Langtang district journey. The general Annapurna circuit takes a 17 days bundle, while the Langtang-Helambu journey takes just 10-13 days. 

Annapurna region has full lodge facilities though, in the Langtang area, you will have tea house convenience. Annapurna region is expensive in terms of luxury accommodation, food, and more days overnight. 

Something else is about the journeying grant.For Langtang, you need Langtang National park license and TIM card and a Shivapuri National Park entry permit where Helambu trails pass through Shivapuri Park

Culture, Nature, and Heritage Experience

The Annapurna region trail twists through simple dens , thick, thick timber, and once falls where you can stop to cool yourself. The primary occupations of neighborhood individualities are tilling, beast civilization, the trip assiduity, and military backing. 

During this trip, you go through colorful Gurung, Magar, and Brahmin municipalities to learn about their social practices.

Langtang- Helambu is one of the world’s most lovely dens , a peaceful scene on the stage of the Himalayas. On this Langtang trip, you get the occasion to probe the astonishing obligation of the Tibetan-affected culture and the fresh mountainside views. 

Through the vale, Tamang existent’s benevolence and compositional nobility of religious communities will tempt you.

Comfortable and available installations

The services will appreciate the Langtang- Helambu trail changes with the height adaptation. As you climb to the advanced elevations, Lama Hotel, Langtang Village, Kang Jin Gompa, and convenience are essential.

geographies and Navigability

The Annapurna Circuit trail follows a raceway for nearly the whole Circuit beside Pass Day. Since there are municipalities on the two sides of the raceway, the path backs sides formerly in a while, which can be confusing.

However, as long as you presumably are apprehensive of where the raceway is similar to where you’ll be, you’ll have the option to discover mortals, If you wind up losing the path.


Your priorities and preferences will determine which of the Manaslu Circuit and Annapurna Base Camp hikes you choose.But if you’re looking for a more secluded and uncrowded experience, the Manaslu Circuit trek is a fantastic option because of its emphasis on artistic absorption and challenging terrain.

 It offers stirring mountain views, Tibetan- told townlets, and the exhilaration of crossing high mountain passes.

However, if you prefer a well-established and popular trek with a diverse range of landscapes, easier accessibility, and a vibrant trail community, the Annapurna Base Camp trek is ideal. It provides stunning views of the Annapurna massif, charming villages, and the opportunity to connect with fellow trekkers.


Nepal Hiking Trek Pvt.Ltd  is an authentic local tour company located in Kathmandu, which is the heart and gateway of Nepal’s trekking .Company gives services of multiple day tours for solo and private groups. You can contact them through or whatsapp:+9779851068290