Memorial Day Weekend is a time to spend extra time with our family and friends, as well as celebrate and honor the brave souls who gave their lives and service to protect our nation. It’s also the unofficial start of the summer season and a fantastic opportunity to spend time with family and friends. Whether you intend to travel during the holiday or enjoy a barbecue at home, it is critical to combine safety and responsibility, especially if alcohol is involved. Here are some safe and responsible ways to Celebrate Memorial Day weekend with loved ones.

How to Plan Your Day

Determine what the holiday means for you and your family and how you want to celebrate the day. Consider attending a parade, visiting a veterans’ memorial, or having a barbecue in your backyard. 

The key to reducing eleventh-hour stress is thoughtful preparation. Search your neighborhood and surrounding towns for fun activities, and add a moment of remembrance into one of the activities.

Know How You’ll Get Around

Attend the event with a proper plan for getting from one venue to another. During holiday weekends, traffic increases, and the number of collisions and drunk driving increases. Consider these tips:

  • Designate a Driver – assign a sober driver if the event involves alcohol consumption.
  • Public Transit – many cities provide extended bus, train, and subway hours during public holidays. Check their schedule and plan ahead.
  • Use Rideshare Apps – if everyone wants to enjoy the festivities, use a safety screening in Uber or Lyft to avoid drunk driving

Safety Tips for Drinking Responsibility

Whether going to a local outing or hosting a big feast, ensure you and your fellow guests stay safe throughout the event. Drinking and safety must be aligned.

  • Set Limits: Be aware of your limits and monitor your alcohol intake. Encourage your guests to do the same.
  • Provide Alternatives: For designated drivers and those who would rather not drink alcohol, serve a variety of non-alcoholic beverages.
  • Eat Well: Make sure you never drink on an empty stomach. Prepare plenty of food to help counteract the effects of alcohol.

While celebrating, be mindful of the law about the consequences of impaired driving. On Memorial Day Weekend, more DUI checkpoints and law enforcement patrols are out to protect people. Impaired driving not only puts yourself and others at risk but results in harsh penalties. These include fines, license suspension, and even jail time in some cases. 

If you or someone you know needs legal assistance regarding DUI charges, talk to an experienced Concord drunk driving lawyer for clarity and support. They can offer guidance and assistance when the charges are unjustified.

Remember, safety is essential while planning out Memorial Day celebrations, and these guidelines provide a way to ensure that everyone has a spectacular experience. Celebrating with caution, looking out for one another, and reflecting on the real meaning of Memorial Day can help you make the holiday enjoyable for everyone attending. 

By following these steps, you can have a good, outdoor holiday and honor the many who have died for our freedom. It’s not just about celebrating on this Memorial Day, but making sure all attendants return home without an incident.