Do you have rugs in your home or office? Whether your rugs are just basic throws or they are heirlooms that have come from other parts of the world, it’s important you keep them clean and looking (and smelling) their best. 

If you notice that you have stains or spots on your rug that you can’t get out, that your rugs have an odor, or if you want to restore an antique rug so you can display it in your home, you need to work with a professional rug cleaning company.

Carpet Care

Instead of simply Googling ‘rug cleaning near me’ and choosing the top result, you should do a little extra research before choosing who you use. Here is how to choose the best rug cleaning service. 

Ask for Referrals 

Do you have someone in your circle who regularly gets their rugs cleaned or has recently used the services of a rug cleaning company? If so, ask them who they use and if they would or would not recommend them and why. Getting personal referrals is one of the best ways to narrow down your list of possibilities so you can make a solid choice.

Research Their Experience 

You want to choose a rug cleaning company that has a lot of experience so they’ll know how to best handle your precious rugs. Go on their website and find out how much combined experience their team members have and if they specialize in the type of cleaning you need done. You can also check out online reviews on sites like Google, Yelp, and Facebook to find out more about their customer service skills and results past customers have experienced.

Find Out Their Cleaning Process 

Some rug and carpet cleaning companies will outsource rug cleaning to other vendors. This makes it difficult for them to verify or control the process and may lead to issues with your rugs. Try to find a company that handles the cleaning process in their facility so they can ensure quality control and efficiency. Handling the process in-house will also help them keep costs lower and ensure they can take care of any issues should they arise. 

Ask for a Free Estimate 

Rug cleaning costs can vary—especially if you need a specialty service like having an antique rug restored. Most rug cleaning companies will offer you a free estimate before you commit to using their services. Keep in mind that the lowest estimate is not always the best and that you need to make sure you’re comparing apples to apples. If an estimate comes in much lower than other companies’, it could be a red flag that the company is cutting corners.

Rug Cleaning Near Me: How to Make the Right Choice 

Are you ready to find rug cleaning near me so you can get your rugs restored or cleaned so they add to your home or office’s ambiance and aesthetic? If you ask for referrals, do some research, and ask for a free estimate, you can make a solid choice and ensure you will be happy with your rug cleaning experience.