Taking your kids on a boating adventure can help them develop a healthy, adventurous spirit and get some of the warmest, most cherished memories of their lifetime. You can teach them about life on an open sea, show them what true freedom means in practice, and give them one of the most valuable history lessons. You can show them how humans fared in the world before airplanes were ever a thing.
However, for a lot of parents, this sounds so risky. It can be if you’re not very, very careful. This is why you need to learn how to make this a safe experience for everyone. This will both keep them out of harm’s way and give you peace of mind.

At the same time, in order for this to become a truly memory-forming, warm, and adventurous experience, it first has to be a positive experience. You don’t want to drag them on your boating adventure against their will and have them develop an aversion to this type of vacationing (or just make them hate boats for as long as they live).
For you, boating is a way to get away from office work and daily commute in the city; for them, it can be a boring few days watching the horizon, away from their tablet, Nintendo Switch, and the rest of their favorite toys.
So, you need to find a way to keep them entertained, as well. Here are a few suggestions that should help you get both of these things out of the way.
- Always in a life jacket
The first thing you need to do is ensure that they’re wearing a life jacket. They need to have one always, at all times, and with no exception.
Other than this, you also need to make sure that they have the right life jacket on. If it’s too big, it won’t fit them properly and it won’t provide them with the amount of protection that you would expect.
The importance of a life jacket is monumental. When worn and used properly, it will keep your kid’s head above the water level. This gives you enough time to react and extract them back to the boat.
The most important thing about a life jacket is that, unlike any other method, it always works. Teaching them how to swim is mandatory and could end up saving their life, but what if they panic when they suddenly hit the water? With a life jacket, it won’t really matter. It will keep them afloat and give you enough time to get them out.
- Water is not the only hazard
Another thing you need to keep in mind is that the water is not the only hazard. Sure, it’s the most dangerous one and the first thing that comes to your mind when you think about the safety of boating, but what about sun, wind, and seasickness?
While not as dangerous, they’re much trickier to protect from and could cause quite a bit of problems, not to mention ruin fun for everyone.
You need to provide them with enough shade and make sure that they wear sunscreen. Just keep in mind that sunscreen isn’t enough to keep them safe, so, you need to limit their exposure and make sure that they spend enough time in the shade.
If you’re worried about seasickness, you could consider looking up products that are approved for children between the ages 2-12. Pack some in your bag just in case but, chances are, that you won’t even need them. Still, it’s better to have them around.
Also, wet kids become cold kids before you know it. So, when out of the water, make sure to have them wrapped up and dry.
- Pick the right location
While sailing means being constantly in motion, when getting a boat rental, you should already have an itinerary planned, but make sure to include a trip that will keep everyone interested and animated.
This is really not that big of a problem, seeing as how the majority of tourist places have amenities for family travelers. When visiting smaller places, you can always turn this into a family adventure. At the same time, you should also have a lot of entertainment on the boat, as well.
You should teach them how to fish, how to swim, and even bring some equipment for some basic water sports.
While your kids are a priority, make sure to include something that you’ll find fun, as well.
First, you can pick a location that’s a bit closer to home; however, later on, when they’re used to it a bit more, you can pick a more adventurous spot abroad.
- Personal attention
Lastly, you need to remember that they’re the safest in your arms. Even if you’re not holding them at the moment, make sure that you keep them within your sight.
Teach them about boating and various parts of the boat. Show them how you commandeer the vessel and how the radar works. This will keep them interested, and it will turn the entire trip into a fun and educational experience.
Most importantly, you need to spend some time with them. This is what the trip is all about. Most importantly, remember that they love you, and it’s your care and attention that they crave the most. If you believe that the boating aspect will take away the majority of your time and attention, just pick something else. It’s not worth it if the whole family can’t enjoy it and if you can’t spend some quality time with your kids.
Still, this shouldn’t be an issue if you can organize it right.
Wrap up
Keeping your kids safe is your No.1 priority; however, it’s not the only thing you have to worry about. If safety were your only concern, the only logical conclusion would be never to leave home. Instead, you have to take safety precautions, plan the trip, and make sure to organize your own time so that you can actually send some quality time with them. This way, you’ll turn your boating trip into a fun adventure and spread this passion to the next generation.
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