Whether you’re moving from one big city to another or leaving a small town, the process can be exhausting. Suddenly, you’re looking at piles of stuff and wondering if it’s all really necessary. Then there are all of the small but important tasks like putting in a change of address and switching utilities. 

Before you know it, you’re overwhelmed and wondering what you forgot. Thankfully, simplifying your big city move is possible, and here are some tips to help you get started.

Clean Out Your Belongings

Don’t start randomly packing items in boxes. In fact, don’t start packing anything yet. Before you start labeling boxes for the kitchen, bathroom, etc. take the time to go through everything. Yes, this can be a monumental task but it’s worth the effort when it’s finally time to start unpacking your belongings.

Go through everything, including your clothing, kitchen items, and décor. Ask yourself a few questions like do I need this or when will I use it? If you can’t come up with an easy answer, toss the gently used items into a donation pile. This also goes for those items of clothing you’re convinced will eventually come back in style. If you’re hanging onto clothes that haven’t fit in years, it’s definitely time to leave them behind.

A quick tip when it comes to donating your gently used items. Don’t just toss everything into the pile. If the item is broken or damaged, it should go into the trash. You can also hold a yard sale to get rid of your stuff. This is a great way to help offset the cost of your move. What doesn’t sell can go to charity.

Pack Each Room Separately

Yes, it’s often easier to just toss random items in a box. After all, everything is going to the same place. However, think about how exhausted you’re going to feel after moving. Do you really want to spend hours searching through boxes looking for your toothbrush?

An easier and more efficient way to pack is to go room by room. You can start packing a few days before the move which can make the whole process go a little more smoothly. Start in rooms with stuff you don’t need every day. 

For example, go ahead and pack your living room before heading to the kitchen or bathroom. Don’t forget to label each box with the room it belongs in. This way, you have a pretty good idea of where your stuff is when you get to your new address.

Use Original Boxes When Possible

Some people save the boxes their fragile items come in. For example, the box for their TV or laptop. If this applies to you, great, you’re all set. Start pulling the boxes out and use them for packing. The original boxes are often designed to provide a little extra protection.

Don’t panic if you’re like many people and toss the boxes and other packing materials out. You can always head to a shipping and packing supplier. They’ll have a selection of boxes sized to fit pretty much anything you can think of. Don’t forget to pick up some foam sheets and corners. The foam provides another layer of protection, especially for fragile items. 

After the item’s packed, don’t forget to label the box as fragile. Even though most moving services aren’t going to toss your belongings around, it’s still a good idea to let them know the items inside are breakable.

Don’t Overfill Your Boxes

Even if your moving service charges by the box, this isn’t the time for overstuffing. Actually, there’s never a good time to overstuff a box, you’re only asking for trouble. 

Overpacking your boxes can lead to them exploding open at the worst possible moment. One minute the box is headed for the moving truck and suddenly your belongings are all over the sidewalk.

Overstuffing also leads to overly heavy boxes and this can cause injuries. A good tip is to lift the box occasionally as you’re filing it. If it starts getting heavy before it’s full, use some packing paper to fill the void. The packing paper isn’t going to add extra weight and it’ll keep your belongings from shifting around inside.

Load Your Boxes in Order

Yes, there’s an order that your boxes should go into the moving truck since this can make unpacking a lot easier. The first box in will be the last one out so think about this before moving day.

A good rule to follow is to think about what you’ll need on your first day or night in your new home, which will be the last box you load on the moving truck. To help you keep track, it’s not a bad idea to label this as the first box. This way you don’t have to worry about it getting mixed in with stuff that isn’t essential. 

So, what’s considered essential? This is up to you. Your pajamas may be the most important thing to have in your new home or it could be a coffee maker. What the items are isn’t important as long as you can easily find them.

Don’t Wait Until the Last Minute to Contact the Movers

Moving companies are typically busy and this means they’re often booked several weeks in advance. If you wait to contact a moving company until a day or so before you need them, there’s a good chance you’re going to be out of luck.

As soon as you know your moving date, start calling the moving companies. This way, you have time to compare rates and can book your move to fit your schedule. Something to remember is most moving companies are busiest on the weekends and in the summer.

A Little Planning Can Make Your Big City Move Go Smoothly

Moving to the big city can go smoothly, with a little planning. Start looking for a moving service several weeks before your move and organize your belongings. 

Don’t forget to label your boxes and keep track of what goes where. With a little effort, your big city move can go off without a hitch.