When your child asks for an escape room-themed birthday party, you’re going to have work to do to get ready. The good news is that it’s easy once you get things rolling. Here’s everything you need to do to host a fun party for your kid.

Design Invitations
The first step is to design themed invitations that you can print and mail or email to parents. The easiest way to knock this off your list is to search online for a template that you can customize. When you find one that matches escape rooms, you can fill it out and get ready to send it.
Book the Venue
The key to planning the best escape room birthday party is to book a venue with an interesting story for your child. Also, make sure to keep the difficulty level appropriate for your kid and their friends. Just make sure that you don’t take this step entirely by yourself. Instead, let your child help you decide what room they want to do on their special day.
Invite Guests
Most escape rooms have room for around four to six players per room, which means that you will need to plan accordingly when inviting guests. If your child wants to invite more people, you can always book multiple rooms. You could put their names into a hat and draw names to create multiple teams that will go into the different rooms. They can compete against each other in one attempt or swap rooms after an ice cream and cake break.
Plan Alternatives
Sometimes parents are not okay with locking their children in a room for an hour. In this case, make sure that you have alternative games planned so that all of your guests can enjoy the birthday celebration. Try purchasing an escape room-themed game set that will put pressure on them to complete while the rest of the guests are in the rooms.
Bring Props
Birthday parties are always more fun with fun props and decorations. Since most escape rooms were set in the past, you can bring fun hats or other accessories for guests to wear that match the setting of the room. You might need fedoras, mustaches, fake glasses, feather boas, and lace gloves.
Get a Cake
A simple sheet cake that matches the theme of the room or escape rooms, in general, is the best option. All you must do is order this from your local bakery or grocery store and match the icing and cake flavors to your kid’s favorites.
Create the Favors
Favors are more fun when they are true mementos, so one thing you could try is taking a group picture after they are in their costumes and before the room starts. While they are playing, you can print off copies of the photo and put them in small frames. You could customize them with a themed sticker too. That will be a memorable party favor.
Your kid will love an impressive birthday party. Simply follow these steps to ensure that they get one in the theme that they want. Put in the challenging work well ahead of time. Then, you can relax and enjoy your child’s birthday alongside them.
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