We always enjoy celebrating holidays with books, as they make for great gifts and make the holidays special. These are some great books to share with your little ones this Easter!MM
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This is a beautiful classic, and makes for a great pick to have on your child’s bookshelf. I remember reading this book as a kid, and it is a wonderful must-read for kids.

Hippity Hoppity Little Bunny (finger puppet book)
Younger kids will love this adorable interactive book. The cute finger puppet is a fun and unique way to read together with your child.

My kids were always a fan of little llama books when they were young, and we enjoyed holiday books like this one from author Anna Dewdney.

Another book series that my kids loved was Bear! Bear Finds Eggs is a cute Easter story.

Ten Little Bunnies: A Magical Counting Storybook
This cute book incorporates counting, giving kids a chance to learn some counting skills while enjoying a bunny countdown.

I Spy With My Little Eye: Easter Hop & Find
I Spy books are awesome for getting kids interested in a book and spending time together. A great way to get kids away from digital devices and screens!

Pete the Cat and the Easter Basket Bandit
Pete the Cat is a great series, and if you can’t get enough of this series, this is a fun Easter book that also includes stickers, cards, and a poster.

Mouse books are always cute, and this incorporates some counting and colors into a fun story.
I used to love sharing seasonal books with my two when they were little, this is a great selection.
Even I love Llama Llama Easter Egg! Such a classic. My nephews love it as well!!
Pete the Cat is a rockstar. My favorite for years. My youngest was the only one that got to enjoy him but now my grandkids do too.
Sometimes I am sad my kids are too big for these types of books. There are some really fun books here.