There are so many things that go into picking out clothing for your child. Considering that children grow so quickly, you will find yourself doing a lot of clothes shopping during their younger years. Here are some tips to consider when shopping for children’s clothing.

Comfort and Ease of Use
When purchasing children’s clothing, it is always good to consider comfort. For newborns and babies, you will need many outfits to keep up with regular outfit changes. Find onesies and other infant clothing that makes it easy to do diaper changes. Babies have very sensitive skin, so keep this in mind. Choose natural and breathable fabrics, such as organic cotton.
For toddlers, look for soft fabrics that can accommodate lots of movement. Keep in mind that toddlers will be doing a lot of crawling, so find some options that are good for their knees.
As children get older and go to preschool or elementary school, consider ease of use for them. A child may struggle with things such as buttons, belts, or shoelaces, and it is important to choose clothing that they won’t have to struggle with.
Children grow quickly, so it is essential to check sizing carefully. Consider buying slightly larger sizes to allow room for growth, but not too large that the clothes look baggy or pose a safety risk.
Special occasions
While your children are young, take advantage of dressing up and celebrating special occasions. Shop early for holiday clothing, such as Christmas or Easter.
There are also plenty of other opportunities for festive clothing, such as birthdays, St. Patrick’s day, school events, etc.
Outdoor & play gear
Choose more inexpensive clothes for outdoor and play gear, as they can get worn out from school, the playground, and so on. This way you can keep more expensive clothing from getting ruined. You will also want to find clothing that works well for outdoor play, to accommodate physical activity.
Try to budget when buying clothes, especially since kids tend to outgrow their clothes quickly. Shop sales, as it is easy to find seasonal and other items at a discount. Keep an open mind when it comes to hand me downs and consignment stores.
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