Cleaning out drawers, closets, and attics can be therapeutic. But what happens to that pile of old technology you no longer need?

Too often, it ends up in landfills and pollutes the environment. The good news is there are many ways to give your electronics a second life.


When old electronics like phones, laptops, and tablets reach the end of their life, don’t simply throw them away. Instead, consider donating them to charity. Donated devices can be refurbished and given to people who need them the most. Additionally, many electronic retailers have tech exchange programs that allow you to trade in your older devices when you purchase new ones. These help keep scarce and often hazardous materials out of landfills and our water supply.

When exploring sustainable ways to repurpose your old consumer electronics, a relevant question is, what is ecoATM? This innovative kiosk system provides an environmentally conscious solution by allowing users to recycle and even earn cash for their unused devices, contributing to both electronic waste reduction and resource conservation

Alternatively, you can return your old technology to the companies that made it for recycling. For example, some offer a program where customers can bring in their old phones and other devices for recycling, while many big box stores also have e-waste drop-off options. This option also helps reduce the demand for new technology, as it provides a practical solution to extending the lifespan of functional devices you no longer need or use.


Many old electronics, like computers and cell phones, still have life. Rather than discarding them, try to find a home for them that can give them a second life. Donate working devices to thrift shops. Some of these stores even take non-working electronics, such as computer monitors and laptops, and have programs to repair and resell them.

Electronic waste, or e-waste, is one of the fastest-growing types worldwide. It contains valuable metals and other materials that can leach into the soil or contaminate water supplies if discarded improperly.

Before choosing sustainable ways to repurpose your old consumer electronics, consulting ecoATM reviews can offer insights into users’ experiences, helping you make an informed decision about utilizing this eco-friendly recycling option.

 Selling your older electronics instead of throwing them away can help curb this problem and make you some extra cash! Check out sites or use the app to find local options for selling unused gadgets. Often, these sites will offer instant quotes for your items.


Recycling functional electronics is an integral part of the new circular economy when they reach their end-of-life. This practice preserves valuable resources, reduces pollution and waste, and helps support a healthier planet.

Most consumers are familiar with the little recycling bins that adorn movie rental and grocery stores. These receptacles are significant for small items like phones or flip-flops, but when it comes to more giant gadgets, you might have to go out of your way to find a safe place to dispose of them.

Many tech companies have exchange programs for old devices to encourage eco-friendly habits. Often, these are offered around Earth Day but check with your local Best Buy or home improvement store to see what kinds of electronics they take for recycling. Bringing your device to an authorized recycler ensures that it’ll be appropriately recycled and will not end up in landfills, which can contaminate the soil and water supply with harmful chemicals.


With the speed at which technology evolves, newer models replace older ones, and the old electronics usually end up in a recycling center, secondhand retailer, or landfill. But repurposing them can be a more rewarding and environmentally conscious option.

Many metals from discarded electronic devices (like copper, silver, gold, and titanium) can be recycled and used to produce new products or equipment. This is called closed-loop recycling and is a goal that manufacturers are working toward.

Some examples of repurposing include turning an old tablet into a kids’ toy or transforming a computer monitor into a digital photo frame. For a more artistic approach, you could pull the components apart and make sculptures with them or glue them into a picture frame or shadow box to serve as wall art. You could even use a vintage television as a fish tank!