Ultimately, the best diapers for your baby will depend on many factors. You may need to experiment with different brands and sizes to find the best fit.

Since diaper sizes are determined by weight rather than age, your baby will likely go through multiple sizes during their first year. To avoid overbuying, consider registering for a diaper subscription service that will send you smaller or trial packs.

Baby sitting on a rug playing with toys


Honest diapers are a type of absorbent underwear that is worn by babies and toddlers to prevent them from urinating or defecating on their clothes. Diapers are typically made of disposable paper or cloth, and they are designed to absorb and retain urine and feces.

The diaper’s fit is the biggest factor that impacts your baby’s comfort. Several things can affect how tight a diaper fits, whether disposable or cloth. The first is the diaper’s waistband. If the band is becoming loose or the wing that connects the diaper’s tab is stretched out, it may be time to try a size up.

The next thing to pay attention to is how snug the diaper is around your baby’s thighs. Leaks tend to happen in this area of the diaper, especially for boys since they pee with more force than girls.

The best way to ensure a snug fit is by using the rise snaps on the front of the diaper. Four rows and three columns of these snaps adjust the height or angle of the diaper. You can set these based on your baby’s weight and age recommendations, though remember that every child is different.


Diapers are designed to absorb your baby’s urine and prevent leaks, but the material they are made with is important for your infant’s comfort. Babies have soft, sensitive skin, so your diapers must be free from harsh chemicals and dyes that can irritate them. Look for natural materials that are soft and gentle on your baby’s skin, such as cotton or bamboo wool.

You will likely be changing your infant a minimum of eight times per day (some newborns wet themselves more frequently than others). That means you’ll be using lots of diapers, so it helps to choose a brand and type that are affordable and comfortable.

Look for discounts, coupons, and subscription options to help you save money on diapers and other parenting products. You will also want to consider the size and fit of your diapers, as ill-fitting diapers can impede movement and cause discomfort for your baby. Experiment with different sizes and brands until you find the perfect fit.


Your baby is going to pee and poop a lot during his early days. His diapers must be highly absorbent to protect his delicate skin from rashes.

Disposable diapers have a unique feature that can help parents keep track of the amount of liquid they’re absorbing: wetness indicators that change color to signal when it’s time for a change. It can reduce the need for frequent diaper changes, benefiting busy parents.

The softness and breathability of the materials used in the diapers can also contribute to their absorbency. Nonwoven fabrics provide a soft, cloth-like feel, while their porous structure allows air circulation and reduces the risk of diaper rash.

Choosing the best diapers for your baby is a decision that depends on many factors, including age, size, comfort needs, and absorbency needs. To make the most informed decision, be sure to consider your child’s specific needs, as well as your own parenting preferences and lifestyle.


The best diapers are soft throughout and don’t irritate your baby’s sensitive skin. They also provide a snug fit to prevent leaks. This is important, especially as your little one grows and changes size.

Look for features like a stretchable waistband and leg cuffs that adjust as your child gets bigger. These allow you to get the perfect fit, even if your baby has a growing belly!

It’s important to take the time to find diapers that fit your baby and your parenting style. It will make for a better overall experience during diapering and contribute to the well-being of your infant.