In the competitive Sunshine coast hotel industry, space equals revenue. So hotel designers and managers are constantly looking for innovative ways to maximize usable space within their properties to allow for additional rooms, amenities, and features. As per experts like Aw Structures, one solution that has become increasingly popular is to incorporate Mezzanine floor Sunshine Coast.

What Is a Mezzanine Floor?

A mezzanine floor refers to an intermediate or partial floor positioned between two main full-sized floors of a building. Mezzanine floors are typically constructed with a low-hanging ceiling and overlook and open onto a main floor underneath them rather than being enclosed rooms. This creates a unique, open layout and aesthetic.

Benefits for Hotels

There are several key reasons why mezzanine floors appeal to hotels:

Additional Space

The number one advantage of mezzanine floors is that they allow hotel owners to create valuable extra usable square footage within the hotel without undertaking the substantial cost of constructing entirely new floors. By essentially “double-stacking” floors using air rights, they can add space for more guest rooms, lobbies, restaurants, lounges, meeting areas and other revenue-generating amenities.

Design Flexibility

Mezzanine floors permit hotel designers greater latitude to be creative with layouts and architecture. The overlook onto lobbies and other floors facilitates interesting overlooks, balconies and unique spaces that interconnect areas of the hotel in aesthetically appealing ways. This freedom facilitates the modern, open interior designs that hotels like to achieve to impress guests.

Multi-Purpose Spaces

Another plus is that mezzanine spaces within hotels can serve a variety of functions depending on specific property needs and layouts. From supplemental guest rooms and suites to expansions of lobbies, event venues, restaurants and lounges, the possibilities are vast for how to utilize these flexible levels.

Openness and Natural Light

Unlike constructing entirely new floors, mezzanine floors tend to feature partial walls and railings rather than being fully enclosed spaces. This maintains a feeling of openness and airiness. The exposure also enables natural lighting to filter onto both the mezzanine and main floors below for enhanced ambiance.

Cost Efficiencies

Finally, adding a mezzanine level is substantially more budget-friendly than building whole new floors. With fewer foundations, walls, ceilings and finishes needed, they offer considerable savings on construction and materials. The ROI is also better given the avenues for generating revenue from these extra square feet.


Next time you admire a hotel’s beautiful lobby, ballroom or restaurant, look up – there may be a cleverly incorporated mezzanine adding functional space above you! With their flexibility, aesthetics and cost-efficiency, it is easy to understand why mezzanines have become so popular with hotel designers and managers seeking to maximize their properties.