Working from home can have plenty of distractions, but when you are trying to work from home when your kids are home, it can make it a lot more complicated. Here are some tips to help you get some quality work done.

Try to start early
Take advantage of any time that you might be able to fit in before the kids are awake, or when they are slowly waking up. You may find that there are more distractions as the day goes on, and that early morning is the best time to get work done.
Prioritize Your Work
Try to prioritize your tasks and figure out when the best time is to accomplish those tasks. For instance, a conference call might be best done during nap time or another time you can rely on a quiet block of time. Create checklists or organize your work in blocks so that you can keep track of your progress.
Utilize toys and strategic screen time
For younger children, be strategic with your use of toys or screen time. You can rotate or introduce new toys so that you have a better chance of the kids being occupied. Consider things like craft kits that keep kids entertained.
Set a schedule
Create a schedule for your children. For example, set a specific lunch time so that there aren’t as many interruptions with kids asking about what time there will be food. Establish routines to help create consistency, with rules that the kids can follow. Not only can a children’s schedule be useful, but chore charts can also be handy.
Plan meals
Have meals planned out to minimize time spent on meal prep. You can combine meal planning and meal prep so that meal time is less stressful. Use a meal planning calendar or notebook to keep your plans organized, from shopping lists to recipes.
Push off housework & other commitments
Depending on how long you are working from home – a day versus weeks or all the time – you can put off chores and housework until another time. Don’t overcommit yourself with activities either. For example, don’t offer to host a party at your house on a Friday night when you have to work from home all week. Set realistic expectations! Your kids are only young for a short period of time, so you may need to cut down on things like social obligations if you are going to balance home and work life.
Take advantage of help
Utilize tools and help when you can. Kids are able to help with chores at a young age, so you can have them help out around the house during the day. This can also be a good tool to encourage them to complete tasks to earn things like screen time.
Be Organized
Consider things like a planner or a calendar to stay organized. Use tools such as planners, checklists, alarms, and more.
This is becoming more and more important these days. So many of us have had the opportunity to transfer to remote working. Unfortunately, those who have never done it before don’t realize how important it is to have a quality space and time to get the work done.
These are great tips! I don’t personally work from home but I do employ some of the suggestions you’ve made in this post whenever my son and I are together on weeknights or weekends and I need to complete some tasks.
Maureen |
Yes to all of this! The other thing that helps us is having a clear indicator if it’s an ok time to ask a question. For example, when the boys were really little I had a paper stoplight and a clothespin. If it was on red emergencies only, yellow meant only if it was important, and green meant I was working on something that didn’t require much focus so could stop if they wanted to talk, play, etc. Now, my boys know if we have our headphones on we can’t be interrupted unless for emergencies.
This article is a must read for anyone thinking of working from home who has kids. I know for me it can be hard to stay focused on my work and not my home or kids. Thanks for the tips.
These are all such great tips for those balancing working from home and kids. Being organized is such a great tip. I’m a huge fan of planners and always have alarms going for commitments.
These are all really great tips! I do work from home, so I will pin this post to refer to as it will be helpful!!
I was so lucky that I started working from home when my son was already a bit older. It’s so hard to balance raising young kids while working at home.
So grateful my girls are a little older now because it’s definitely harder with the little kids. We still have to keep to a schedule and be as organized as possible or else it’s complete chaos.
“Don’t Overcommit” has been my mantra as a work-from-home mother. These are some great tips and they make life so much more easier 🙂
It’s really hard to work at home specially when you have kids that you need to look for. These are all really amazing and great tips!
I really struggle as I work from home and have 3 kids. Having a schedule for the kids and work can really help keep you organised.
I agree with everything you have mentioned, I think planning your day and not worrying about housework really does help
My partner and I both work from home and have kids. Having a schedule and making sure that our meals are planned / shopped for is really a game changer when it comes to getting it all done.
Scheduling is key for me. Investing in a daily planner / calendar book was a game changer for me. I used to get so overwhelmed. Thanks for sharing these tips!
Great tips! I used a few of these when my kids were smaller, I am lucky and they are now 10 & 14 so when I do need to work from home they are helpful with keeping everything on track.
These are fantastic tips for parents trying to balance work and family life! Starting early can be a game-changer, and prioritizing tasks ensures you make the most of your available time. The idea of strategic toy rotation and craft kits is a great way to keep little ones engaged, allowing you to focus on your work. Thanks for sharing these practical insights!
I work from home but don’t have kids, and sometimes it can be hard to get everything done and be productive. I’m always impressed how some people manage to WFH with kids there as well x
Hey – they say that the earliest bird catches the early worm, right? With kids, it’s always worked for me. Get up early and cover so much ground that by the time they wake up, we can play without fussing about tasks I didn’t get to complete.
I don’t have kids, so never ran into the problem. However, this looks like some useful advice for those who do.
Oooh, I remember those days when my guy was little. Waking up early has always been a game changer for me. I get so much accomplished before everyone else wakes up. And planning the night before helps to save so much time.
Great tips for sure especially the last tip, accept help. Accepting help is not a sign of weakness, quite the opposite. As always, great advice! Thank you so much.
These are really great and practical tips. I agree with you about letting the kids play and strategic screen time. We have lots of books at home too to keep them busy.
Meal planning is a lifesaver too. Everyone must do it. It just makes things easier.
Truly great tips. My kids are older but still, the struggle is real. I find the best help is when I can get up early and get a jump on some of the work before everyone else is up.
I couldn’t imagine how it would be but these are great tips for parents to follow. Make life easier.