“It’s easy to talk about how great love is or how you feel heartbroken after a breakup, but it’s not as easy to talk about the process of going through the end of a relationship.”

Eric Nam 

1. Offer to listen

It is very important for people who are going through a difficult period in their lives to have someone who can listen to them. If you want to help those who are getting divorced, you can:

– Show genuine interest and give them your full attention when they want to talk about their divorce;

– Create a non-judgmental environment. It is important to reassure them that they can be honest about their thoughts and emotions without fear of criticism or judgment;

– Encourage open communication by asking open-ended questions that allow them to talk about their feelings and experiences;

Try not to interrupt or give advice if you are not asked for it. Usually, all they need is someone who is a regular listener who doesn’t try to fix things or come up with the right solution;

– Acknowledge the pain, sadness, anger, or embarrassment they may be feeling.

Remember that your support as an attentive listener can go a long way in helping someone get through a difficult time of divorce. Beyond just lending a sympathetic ear, you can offer practical assistance by helping them organize their thoughts and plans. Encourage them to seek professional guidance if needed, such as legal counsel or therapy, and be there to assist with logistics like childcare arrangements or moving logistics.


2. Validate their emotions

To provide emotional support it is important to:

– Show compassion and let the person know that you understand how difficult this period is for them;

– Reassure them that it is normal to feel a variety of emotions during a divorce, such as sadness, anger, embarrassment, or even relief;

– Encourage self-expression. Provide a comfortable space where they can freely express their emotions without feeling judged;

– Be able to listen reflexively. When communicating, sometimes it’s a good idea to repeat what they said in your own words to show that you’re actively listening and understanding them;

– Reassure them that it is normal to feel sad about the end of a relationship. It is important to properly convince them that they will be able to survive this difficult period.

Remember that by giving people the freedom to express their emotions, you are helping to alleviate some of the pain and stress of divorce. It’s important to create a safe and non-judgmental space for them to share their feelings openly. Understand that the emotional rollercoaster of divorce can lead to anger, sadness, confusion, and even moments of relief, and all of these are valid.

3. Avoid judgments and accusations

Practice empathy:

Put yourself in their place and try to understand the complexity of their situation;

– Avoid any assumptions or hasty conclusions about the reasons for the divorce;

– Don’t blame anyone, divorce is a complex and personal matter, and accusations are usually not objective;

– Offer support while remaining neutral and not favoring one of the partners during the conversation.

– Focus on understanding rather than criticizing, don’t question their choices or actions but try to understand their point of view and feelings.

Avoiding judgment or blame will help create a safe, supportive environment for the person going through a divorce. One important piece of advice to give someone going through a divorce is to prioritize self-care. Encourage them to take time for themselves, seek professional help when needed, and maintain healthy routines. Remind them that healing takes time, and it’s okay to grieve the end of a relationship while focusing on building a brighter future.


4. Provide practical help

Practical help for people going through a divorce is usually very necessary. It can be in the form of:

  • Assistance with material and technical support. Divorce usually involves many practical tasks that can be overwhelming. Help may be needed with things like organizing paperwork, filling out forms, or researching legal requirements;
  • Child care benefits. If there are children in the marriage, the services of a nanny will be appropriate. Also, help with transportation to ensure the ability to attend meetings related to the divorce, if necessary, will not hurt;
  • I will accompany them at court hearings or mediation sessions. Divorce proceedings are quite complex in all respects. Offer your presence as a source of comfort and support during these difficult times;
  • Help with household chores. Divorce is usually an additional stress and responsibility. By cooking, cleaning, or helping with household chores, you can greatly ease this burden;
  • Help with resources. Research local support groups, therapists, or counselors who specialize in divorce and tell them about these resources.

Practical help is quite important and shows your willingness to go beyond just emotional support. 

5. Encourage self-care and self-reflection

It is important to remember that during a divorce, you must first of all properly take care of yourself. For people who are going through this difficult period, it is worth giving priority to their well-being. One of the best advice for someone going through a divorce is to focus on self-care as a foundation for rebuilding their life.

Emphasize the importance of seeking emotional support from friends, family, or a therapist. Encourage them to express their feelings and fears openly, as bottling up emotions can lead to increased stress and anxiety. Let them know that it’s okay to lean on their support network for guidance and comfort.

6. Offer to seek professional help, if necessary

Remember that offering professional help shows that you care. It is important to reassure them that with professionals they can improve their well-being and receive additional resources. 

How to help someone who is going through a divorce involves offering them support in various aspects of their life, including their emotional and mental well-being. While being a compassionate friend or family member is essential, remember that offering professional help shows that you care deeply about their recovery and long-term well-being. For more great advice for someone going through a divorce, visit https://gaonlinedivorce.com/how-to-file-for-divorce-in-ga/ 


7. Respect their privacy and confidentiality

– Maintain confidentiality. Appreciate being trusted by keeping any personal information provided to you confidential;

– Avoid gossiping or discussing their situation without permission. Divorce is a very personal matter and it is important to respect the privacy of others;

– Ask permission before sharing this story. When feeling the need to discuss their situation with others, it is important to get their thoughts on it first;

– Be attentive to publications on social networks. Refrain from posting about their divorce on social media unless you have express permission to do so;

– Offer a safe space for non-judgmental expression: Let them know that they have the opportunity to express themselves openly without fear of publicity or judgment.

What to say when someone is getting a divorce can be challenging, but it’s essential to approach the conversation with sensitivity and empathy. Respecting someone’s privacy is crucial during this difficult time. Remember, the best thing for those going through a divorce is unwavering support while respecting their boundaries.

You can start by acknowledging their situation and expressing your concern and care. A simple, heartfelt message like, “I’m really sorry to hear about your divorce. I’m here for you if you ever want to talk or if there’s anything I can do to help,” can go a long way in showing your support without prying into the details.