Clogged drains stand as a leading cause of plumbing complications in Australian households. It can occur in the toilet, kitchen sink, bathroom sink, and in several other places.

Drain Cleaning Tips - Lenox Plumbing

For the record, other causes of plumbing troubles include leaky fixtures, corrosion, improper installation, poor water quality, low water pressure, DIY mishaps, inadequate ventilation, and frozen pipes. You can read this article for more information on this subject.

But given how clogged drains are one of the leading causes of household plumbing troubles, a proper understanding of how to clear drains is important. This is given how this knowledge will significantly reduce plumbing complications.

To make sure of this, this article will touch on this subject. So, keep reading for more insight on properly clearing drains to prevent and/or undo clogging problems.

Drain Clearing Dos and Don’ts: Essential Tips for Homeowners

7 Best Tips for How to Clear a Slow Drain, Plus 1 Bonus Tip!

There are things that you should and shouldn’t do to prevent or undo a clogged drain. Some of these dos and don’ts are discussed below:


Regular Cleaning

This should not only be done when things are not in order. The chances of having a blockage are significantly reduced when regular and proper cleaning is carried out. There are various tips for properly cleaning drains. Some of them include using:

  • Hot water
  • Cold water
  • Baking soda & vinegar
  • Natural enzyme cleaning solution

Proper use of all these can leave your drain cleaner. Once again, cleaning should not only be considered when a clogging issue arises.

Use Drain Catchers/Screens

It can be quite tempting to remove the catcher. However, it is a bad idea to do this. This is especially when flushing down water that contains things that can cause blockages.

Cleaning with Hot Water

Occasionally flush with hot water. This is especially when you begin to notice that water is not flowing at the rate at which it should. This is usually an early sign of a drain that is starting to clog. Pouring hot water through will do quite a lot in clearing debris that can eventually cause a full-fledged clog problem.

Make Use of a Plunger and/or Plumbing Snake

The suction effect of a plunger might be enough to solve clogging problems when they arise. So, you should use it for clearing your drain. It can also be used if you detect early signs of a clogging problem. Its suction effect can sometimes be enough to dislodge the gathered debris.

A plumbing snake can also be engaged instead or alongside a plunger. Unlike a plunger that relies on the suction effect to dislodge and clear clogs, a plumbing snake grants direct contact with the clog. As a result, it makes it possible to push through and possibly dislodge it.

However, the accumulation of debris may be too massive for either a plunger or a plumbing snake. In such cases, you can clear out the water log and add a reasonable mixture of vinegar and baking soda mixed in hot water to the drain. Use the plunger and/or plumbing snake afterward. The services of a plumber will definitely be needed if this does not work.


No Excessive Use of Chemicals

There are harsh drain-cleaning solutions that do more harm than good. While they clear the blockage, they weaken fixtures. They should be avoided for this reason. Furthermore, even natural drain cleaning solutions should not be used excessively.

No Unformed Moves

There could be a need to perform some complicated drain-clearing procedures. Such procedures should only be done by experts. Do not give in to the urge to perform such procedures yourself. Violating this rule might cause further complications as you are not fully aware of what you are doing.

Do not Flush Greasy Items

Greasy items do not belong in the drain. They are even one of the leading causes of clogging problems, especially in kitchen drains. So, fat and oily items should not be disposed of through this water disposal channel.

No Forceful Use of Plungers

Of course, there is nothing complicated in using plungers and this means that it is within your expertise to use them. However, you need to be mindful of how you use them. Do not apply excessive force when using them.

This is both to avoid injuring yourself; as the instrument can break and hurt you and damage the drain pipe or external fixtures. If the plunger does not seem to be working, consider other options instead of using it with excessive force. For more information on the proper use of plungers, you can visit:

No Non-Biodegradable Items

Non-biodegradable items have no place in drains. So, they should not be flushed through drains. Some examples of non-biodegradable items that should not be allowed include:

  • Chemicals – These are generally things that can harm aquatic life and not just cause clogging problems
  • Rubber items – such as latex gloves and rubber bands
  • Hair – Pay more attention to the bathroom as it is more likely in this part of the house
  • Condoms
  • Cotton balls & swabs
  • Wipes, paper towels & facial tissues
  • Sanitary items – Such as pads, tampons, and panty liners
  • Dental floss
  • Cat litters

Some of these are considered fit enough for drains. For example, some cat litter products are said to be flushable. However, you cannot be too careful. So, it is better to just avoid flushing all of these items and other non-biodegradables.

Drain Clearing Must Dos

Below is a concise list of some of the things you must do for effective drain clearing:

  • Regular cleaning using only the right products
  • Hot water flushing
  • Proper disposal of items – as some items are not fit for the drain
  • Consistent use of drain catcher/screen
  • Efficient use of plunger and/or plumbing snake

Besides taking cognizance of all the dos and don’ts mentioned above, something else is a must – periodic drain maintenance service. This is a very effective drain clearing tactic as it tackles drain-clogging problems before they even arise. Furthermore, the maintenance team can even walk you through how to properly use and maintain your drain.

In Conclusion

Drain blockages are high on the list of common household plumbing problems. As a result, knowledge of the dos and don’ts for effective drain clearing is essential. Fortunately, this has been covered in this article. You should take notice and put these tips to good use going forward.