Is any surprise grosser than finding a furry mouse or greasy cockroach in your kitchen? We like to keep a neat and tidy home, and nothing undoes the sense of cleanliness faster or more fully than finding pests.

Most people respond by shrieking right away, but then they aren’t exactly sure who to call. The first company you find on Google are probably not the best experts! Here’s what to look for in a pest control company.

Chemicals That Go Hard

Everybody wants a residential pest control solution that gets the job done all the way, not a half-measure. If you buy an anti-pest spray from the store, it will definitely kill a handful of pests, but not all of them.

They’ll spend the time you waste trying to eradicate the population by reproducing and growing their numbers. You’ll have spent some money on a spray that doesn’t really work. Professional pest control experts know what kills each type of pest, and they use these ingredients in custom solutions you can get anywhere else.

There’s no point in using the sprays or traps from the hardware store. You’re fighting an uphill battle. Start by getting the chemicals that address the root cause properly. 

Health Canada Approved

Professional pest control experts use signature, exclusive blends to kill specific pests. However, Health Canada has approved every ingredient contained in their sprays, so there’s no need to worry that they pose any risks to the environment or your pets. 

Sit back confident in the knowledge that the sprays in your home will be ruthless to the pests and soft everywhere else. Nobody wants the solution from one mess to cause other types of problems! Dogs and cats and the natural environment have nothing to worry about from leading pest control experts.

Proactive Protection

By the time you see the pest inside your home, it’s already too late. Preventing the grossness is better than responding to it, even if you have the best possible response.

Look for a pest control company offering Home Protection Plans that discourage pests from entering the grounds of your property. They will visit your home, inspect for pests and pest attractants, and then remove whatever they find. 

Next, they’ll conduct a preventative spray treatment. They’ll return for inspections to see if it works and will kill any pests in the rare event any survive. The precise structure may vary depending on the nature of the pest infesting your home, but this is the most thorough way to prevent pests from entering your home.

Leading experts even offer pest control to pests outside the home. For example, birds can damage property, and their droppings are, shall we say, unpleasant. They can also minimize the presence of mosquitoes with new, modern treatments, so you can reclaim your backyard.

Mothers want to provide a nice, clean, warm, and welcoming home. That’s hard to do when pests are in it! If you’ve got a pest problem, look for a service that delivers on all the above points, not just the first company you find online.