Becoming a parent is an experience unlike any other. When you first hug your bundle of joy, holding them close to your chest, you are flooded with feelings of delight, pride, and love. This moment will live on in the hearts of people forever. They bring people closer and give you many reasons to rejoice at even the tiniest achievements. When your child grins, you grin, and when they cry, you wake up. Being a parent is a completely unique experience.  

However, this trip comes with additional responsibilities for which, especially, first-time parents are unprepared. Your life has seen numerous changes, ranging from frequent hospital visits to sleepless nights. While many people talk about the benefits of parenthood, very few people talk about how to navigate this major life change. Expectant and new parents should familiarize themselves with effective parenting methods and how to manage their increased duties. 

Here are some helpful tips for parents, especially those who are looking after young children:

  1. Be careful from the start

When it comes to raising a healthy child, it is important to be careful from the start. From the time your child is born, you need to ensure that they don’t have an injury from childbirth. In case they do, and it was the medical staff’s fault, you can file for legal damages that can facilitate their recovery. You can find more information in this regard at

  1. Start by encouraging healthy nutritional habits

Birth injuries are rare, so you wouldn’t have to worry about them too much. However, you do need to worry about ensuring your child can grow in the most healthy and playful environments possible. In order to do this, the first possible step to take is to ensure that their diet is healthy from an early stage.  

Keep in mind that the things you feed your children will determine what you will get out of them. They require the proper ratio of minerals, vitamins, carbohydrates, protein, and fat. Picture dishes of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains on colorful plates. Limit sugar, particularly in sweetened beverages like juice and soda, and choose low-fat dairy products instead. It is also important to take your child to the dentist for regular checkups and cleanings. A pediatric dentist for your child can help you keep your child’s teeth and gums healthy and strong.

  1. Get them to give exercise a priority

Children should exercise for a minimum of one hour each day. Together, come up with a strategy for achieving this one hour per day of physical activity. Go on bike or stroll rides, swim, and register them for dancing or sports activities. Perhaps you can play with them on the neighborhood playground or in the yard. 

In reality, allowing them to channel their energy provides numerous advantages for mental as well as physical wellness. This can include a lower risk of contracting a disease, a longer life expectancy, and more confidence. Generally, active, playful children are the ones that are always the go-getters in life because their bodies are programmed that way. 

  1. Build a sleep cycle 

Sleep is when the human brain and body rest, rejuvenate and recharge for another day. Sleeping habits develop early on in life. Children generally have haphazard sleeping patterns where they wake up or sleep at random times during the day. If you continue to let them have it their way, you are going to regret it later. 

Therefore, teaching healthy sleeping habits is essential. The ideal sleep time varies with age. For infants, it is 12 to 15 hours each day usually. Toddlers need at least 11 to 14 hours, preschoolers require 10 to 13 hours, between 6 and 13-year-olds should get 9 to 11 hours, and teens must sleep as much as 8 to 10 hours on a daily basis to maintain healthy bodies. 

  1. Discourage excessive gadget usage

All types of screens, including tablets, smartphones, and televisions, are a part of growing up. Just make sure they don’t play a large role. The way that youngsters think and function can be negatively impacted by too much screen usage in children. Your child may be more likely to struggle if they have trouble focusing, paying attention, and communicating as a result of using screens. 

Nowadays, a lot of parents rely on their smartphones to distract children, which is an extremely bad idea. Also, your children will follow what they see you doing. If they see you on your phone the whole day, that is what they will adopt as well. It is, therefore, imperative to set the tone right. Make a family media strategy with time restrictions and ground rules to reduce the amount of time spent on screens.

  1. Replace screens with books

Following on from the previous point, it is all about the habits you follow. Your kids will definitely pick these up. So, instead of being glued to your cell phone, especially in front of the kids, it is better to pick up a book and read. If your kid gets interested, pick up a children’s storybook and spend the time reading with them. 

Reading is the best technique to help our children develop lifetime learning skills like listening. Reading increases children’s vocabulary and attention span and piques their interest. It can sharpen their recollections and inspire them to discover fresh information about their passions. The benefits of having people read to them extend to even older kids.

  1. Simply spend time with your children

Spending time with your children is, by far, the biggest investment you can make as a parent in their growth. It’s undoubtedly true that in those Hollywood films, parents are blamed for their children’s later resentment simply because “they weren’t there.” The time you spend with your children matters more than anything else, even though you may think you are working long hours to support them. Children yearn to be with their parents, and by being present, you will not only make yourself happy but also help the child develop into a better person.


Raising a healthy and active kid is all about the care, love, and attention they get when growing up. For all those parents who want their kids to be the best version of themselves, the effort will have to start with you.