Binge eating disorder is the most common eating disorder in the United States. Data shows that this eating disorder affects 1.2% of the population

People who suffer from binge eating disorder experience episodes of binge eating. During these episodes, they eat a large quantity of food. This excessive intake of food is due to a sense of loss of control. 

Does this sound like a problem that you’re experiencing? You may have this eating disorder. 

Read on to learn the facts about binge eating disorder to determine how to get help for it. 

The Demographics of Binge Eating Disorder 

Those affected by the different types of eating disorders tend to suffer in silence. This is the case with binge eating disorder. About 30 million people will meet the criteria for an eating disorder, but many won’t come forward. 

Binge eating disorder doesn’t only affect women. This is a common misconception as it can affect men as well. It can affect different age groups, races, and income levels. 


People with binge eating disorder can experience a variety of symptoms. Eating a lot of food in a brief period compared to what most people eat in one sitting is the classic symptom of this disorder. 

When eating too much, it’s common to feel like one has no control. People who suffer from this disorder may eat really fast and continue to eat even when they feel full. 

Even when not hungry, a person with a binge eating disorder will continue to eat a lot. Eating alone is a common action to avoid being seen by others. After eating too much, most people may feel shame or guilt for eating a lot. 

Engaging in unhealthy actions is also a problem related to this eating disorder. It’s common for people to compensate for their binges by fasting or eating too little. Excessive exercising and purging are also a concern.   

Seeking Treatment

Do these symptoms sound familiar? If they do, you may be suffering from this disorder. 

Among the facts about binge eating disorder you must know about is its treatment. A team of health care providers can help you overcome this disorder. 

You should consider seeing a therapist who can provide you with primary psychotherapy. This involves exploring patterns and underlying meanings of one’s eating disorder. It also involves developing insight into one’s needs and challenges. 

The goal of treatment is to learn how to eat healthier. This can help one establish a healthy diet plan. Doing so will help one improve their health and quality of life. 

Get to Know the Facts About Binge Eating Disorder

Binge eating disorder is a serious health issue. You need to know the facts about binge eating disorder to determine if you have this eating disorder. If you suffer from it, you should seek treatment right away. 

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