Your doctor can diagnose most causes of hair loss or baldness by looking at your scalp, checking your medical history and talking to you about how you care for your hair. Your doctor might also ask about the medications you take, including supplements. Androgenetic alopecia, another name for hereditary pattern baldness, affects men and can start as early as adolescence. It usually involves a receding front hairline and thinning at the crown.

Medical Conditions

Hair loss and baldness are symptoms of several medical diseases. Talk with your doctor if you notice a pattern of gradual or sudden hair loss. Hereditary thinning or baldness, called androgenic alopecia, can cause male-pattern baldness (receding front hairline, thinning at the top of the scalp) and female-pattern baldness (widening of the part, thinning of hair at the crown). This condition is related to testosterone hormones and may begin in the teen years for men or in the middle of life for women. Other medical conditions can cause hair loss or baldness, including thyroid disease, diabetes, iron deficiency anemia, and certain skin diseases such as ringworm of the scalp and discoid lupus erythematosus, which causes bald patches that resemble a rash. These conditions can be treated with medications or with New York fue hair transplant.


Hair loss can occur due to genetics, hormonal changes, medical conditions or simply because we are getting older. The good news is that various treatments for PRP hair restoration NYC are available to prevent further hair loss and encourage new growth. Researchers have discovered that 80% of male pattern baldness is hereditary. This genetic condition begins at the temples and crown of the scalp in an M-shaped receding pattern that will eventually leave only a small ring of hair. This condition can also affect women and occurs similarly. A recent study used a GWAS to identify gene variants associated with hair loss. Heritability estimates were obtained for autosomal variants and genes on the X chromosome using stratified linkage disequilibrium score (LD Score) regression analyses. The X chromosome was chosen because men get their X chromosome from their mothers, so looking for maternal genetic effects on baldness makes sense. 

Hormonal Changes

A healthy body needs a balance of hormones. When too many of these hormones are out of whack, you can experience all kinds of symptoms ā€” from bloating and fatigue to hair loss and baldness, which can be particularly relevant in the context ofĀ Female Pattern Hair Loss. Hormones are produced by a group of glands called the endocrine system. Changes in hormone levels can happen as you age, through pregnancy or menopause and due to certain medications, health conditions, and diet.

For example, if your hair is thinning and falling out in large amounts or you see bald patches on the scalp, you may have a hormonal imbalance. Changes in your sex hormones usually cause it, and happens to both men and women, although it affects men more commonly. It is known as androgenic alopecia or male-pattern baldness. It typically begins in the hairline or temples and moves forward, causing your hair to thin over the crown of your head. Some forms of hair loss have effective therapies available. With the assistance of a hair loss doctor NYC, you can stop losing hair altogether or at least slow it down. 

Nutritional Deficiencies

Several nutritional deficiencies can cause hair loss and baldness. Some include vitamin deficits, notably zinc, biotin, and the essential fatty acids linoleic and alpha-linolenic acids required for healthy hair. Deficiencies of these vitamins and nutrients are common among hospitalized patients fed intravenous fluids without fat for weeks, infants given formulas low in fat and those on severely restricted crash or fad diets.

A medical provider should conduct a thorough exam and order laboratory tests to find the cause of thinning or bald patches. Depending on the results, your doctor might prescribe treatments such as oral medications or topical scalp treatments. If the problem is a mental health condition such as trichotillomania (compulsive hair pulling), psychological counseling and habit reversal training might be helpful. Your doctor might also recommend dietary supplements such as fish, berries, leafy greens or vitamin C.