Breastfeeding is as old as human civilization, yet there’s a lack of innovation and support for new parents. From juggling multiple chores to finding a secluded and safe place to breastfeed their newborns, mothers endure many hassles. It starts the moment your baby cries for the first time and continues till the day he starts his solid diet. However, the inaccessibility of resources and guides for new mothers at the hospitals becomes a stumbling block.

Undoubtedly, we have a number of stats telling us about the benefits of breastfeeding for the overall development of babies. Still, hardly those focus on a woman’s emotional challenges and physical struggles. That’s why there’s a need to bring more awareness about the topic so that new parents can begin this chapter easily.

So, here are the top 5 common breastfeeding myths that you, as parents, need to stop believing.

Myth #1: It is easy to breastfeed newborns.

The biggest myth that lactation consultants encounter every other day is the societal belief that breastfeeding is easy. However, it’s not true.

Indeed, humans have been doing it since the beginning of time, but it has its nuances. In a hospital room, when a mother is lying on the bed, catching a glimpse of her baby, it’s the most beautiful thing.

However, women need proper support while positioning their babies, which requires time and practice.

Myth #2: Sore Nipples while breastfeeding is Inevitable.

Experiencing pain during the first few days is expected for new mothers. You can avoid this by taking guidance from a lactation professional to learn how to breastfeed. Once you know breastfeeding preparation techniques, challenges like sore nipples during breastfeeding are easy to overcome.

Myth #3: Formulas have the Same Nutritious Value as Breastmilk.

No matter what the advertisements claim, formulas can never replace breastmilk. Yes, these can be used as a supplement when breastfeeding is impossible; however, both have different nutritional values.

On the one hand, breastmilk is considered a precise combination of proteins, fats, vitamins, and carbohydrates that protect babies from immune deficiencies and support optimal growth. On the other hand, formulas may not be easily digestible by the baby’s body and may not provide long-term benefits.

Myth #4: New Moms can only Eat Plain Food While Breastfeeding.

Many believe the food habits of mothers can influence a breastfeeding child’s development, which is a misconception. Doctors explain that what a pregnant woman eats during gestation already impacts the baby’s growth.

Therefore, you need to focus on a nutrient-rich, balanced diet without making any changes. If you observe your baby reacting to a particular food you ate, it’s better to consult a lactation expert. They can give you practical tips for breastfeeding newborns to help you include the right foods in your meals that also aid in your child’s growth.

Myth #5: It is harmful to take medications.

Generally, it is advisable not to take any medications without consulting with your doctor. So, before you take any supplements or medicines, ask your doctor and even the baby’s doctor about any potential ill effects of the dose and if there are any alternatives. 


New mothers can successfully embark on their breastfeeding journey by dispelling the above myths. You can consult a lactation expert if you need support to learn how to prepare for breastfeeding after a C-section or normal delivery.