Ah, weeds. The bane of every gardener’s existence. But fear not, my green-thumbed friend, as weed killers are here to save the day, and lucky for you, there are plenty of options out there as it’s kind of like a buffet of herbicidal goodness.

You can find the best weed killer at Gardeners Dream; they’ve got the best one in town. It’ll blast those pesky dandelions and crabgrass right out of your life. So say goodbye to sore arms from pulling weeds, and hello to a beautiful, low-maintenance yard.

But wait, maybe you’re a die-hard naturalist who wants to keep things chemical-free. Well, have no fear, as homemade weed killers can also work, and with just a few household items, you can whip up a vinegar solution that’ll make those weeds wish they never messed with you.

So, whether you’re a fan of the store-bought stuff or prefer a DIY approach, there’s a weed killer out there waiting to help you take your yard back. Goodbye weeds!

Dandelion growing in a lawn

How Does Weed Killer Work?

Weed killer: It’s like a secret agent for your yard. One minute, those pesky weeds are living their best lives, and the next, they’re out of there faster than a celebrity caught in a scandal.

Weed Killer Ingredients

Something that many aren’t aware of is that the main ingredient in most weed killers is glyphosate, a chemical that’s fantastic at targeting an enzyme essential to plant growth and when applied to the leaves of a plant, will work its way down to the root system, effectively killing the plant from the inside out. Some other common ingredients in weed killers include:

  • Surfactants: They help the weed killer stick to the leaves of the plant and help by ensuring maximum absorption, doubling the damage. 
  • Herbicidal soap: For those who don’t like the chemical route, they can go for this option which is made from natural ingredients like fatty acids and works by breaking down the waxy coating on the leaves of the plant, which allows the weed killer to penetrate more easily.
  • Salt: As you may have or not guessed, salt-based weed killers work by dehydrating the plant, causing it to wither and die; however, they should be used with extreme caution regarding soil PH values

Weed Killer Application

Weed killer can be applied in a variety of ways, including:

  • Spray bottle: This is a great option for targeting individual weeds or small areas of grass.
  • Ready-to-spray: These products come in a container with a built-in hose attachment, making applying weed killer to larger areas like lawns or landscape beds easy.
  • Concentrate: Concentrated weed killer is supposed to be diluted with water if you haven’t already guessed and applied using a sprayer or watering can, which is a more cost-effective option for larger areas.
  • Granules: This type is applied using a spreader and is the best when targeting larger areas like driveways or sidewalks, as you really don’t want anything growing there.

Alternatives to Weed Killer

Organic weed control is like the yoga of gardening – gentle, natural, and good for the soul (and the environment). Here are some methods to try:

  • Mulch: Think of mulch as a cosy blanket for your plants – except it also prevents sunlight from reaching the soil and keeps those weeds at bay. Plus, it looks pretty snazzy.
  • Vinegar: Who knew that the stuff you put on your salad could also be a weed killer? Vinegar contains acetic acid, which burns those suckers right up. Just be careful not to spray your beloved petunias accidentally.
  • Corn gluten meal: This one’s a bit of a mouthful, but it’s worth it. Corn gluten meal is a pre-emergent herbicide which stops weed seeds from sprouting.

Homemade Weed Killers

These are a more inexpensive way to control weeds which may or may not work, but here are some homemade weed killer recipes:

  • Vinegar and dish soap: Mix one gallon of vinegar with one cup of dish soap. Spray the mixture on weeds to kill them.
  • Salt and vinegar: Mix one cup of salt with one gallon of vinegar. Spray the mixture on weeds to kill them.
  • Boiling water: Pour boiling water on weeds to kill them.


Let’s face it; nobody likes weeds. They’re like the uninvited party guests that just won’t leave. But before you start spraying those suckers with weed killers, you should know a few things.

Not all weed killers are created equal, and some work better on certain surfaces or types of weeds than others. So make sure you read the label carefully and follow the instructions to a T. Don’t forget your protective gear – we don’t want any accidental chemical showers.

But hold up – consider some alternative methods before you go all Breaking Bad on your yard. Manual weeding (yes, it’s a thing) can be a great workout and a way to get some fresh air. Or try using natural herbicides, like vinegar or corn gluten meal.

Now, we don’t want to be buzzkills, but we should mention the potential health risks associated with weed killers. It’s important to be aware of these risks and take precautions to protect yourself and the environment.

So, in conclusion, while killing weeds might not be the most fun job in the world, it’s got to be done. Just remember to weigh the risks and benefits, follow instructions, wear protective gear, and consider alternatives. Now go get them, tiger!