Teenagers are most commonly affected by acne, but infants and adults can also develop it, especially women. It is characterized by an abundance of sebum, which causes breakouts in the form of pimples, blackheads, whiteheads, etc.

Acne is defined as lesions of the pilosebaceous follicle that are inflammatory (pimples) and/or retention-related (blackheads, microcysts), most frequently occurring in adolescence and associated with hyper seborrhea.

Actions To Take and Products To Avoid When You Have Acne

Don’t touch your pimples or blackheads to avoid making the situation worse because doing so could leave scars or infect your skin (touching pimples increases the risk of inflammation, spreads germs, and worsens post-pimple marks). Additionally, avoid using lotions or scrubs that claim to “strip” your skin because doing so will just increase sebum production. 

You should also avoid using very greasy products, such as washing milk. Stick to quality acne treatment products specifically designed for the purpose. Very thick foundations are not advised since they might smother the skin, which can encourage the development of pimples. Finally, beware of the sun, which at first helps to dry out zits but then speeds up sebum production once you return from vacation.

What is sebum?

Sebum is the greasy substance that the skin and/or scalp naturally release. It contributes to the hydrolipidic film of the skin’s composition and serves to keep the epidermis hydrated.

It keeps the skin and hair soft while guarding against drying out and outside aggressors. It results in oily skin, acne breakouts, or greasy hair when produced in excess. It causes dry skin and brittle hair when it is lacking.

Mature Acne

While some adults (over 25) develop acne, adult acne is typically a teen-only condition. It might seem like teenage acne or, more specifically, affect the sides of the neck and the lower face (chin and mandibles).

Late Acne in Women Beyond the Age of 25

The lower face is typically where late acne is most prominent (chin, jaw). A hormonal evaluation is necessary if symptoms like menstruation irregularities, an increase in chin or beard hair, or hair loss accompany it. It is frequently made worse by using comedogenic, oily cosmetics or contraceptives that may contain hormone-related ingredients. It necessitates careful evaluation and suitable therapy in every situation.

Teenager Acne

This is the most prevalent type because it affects 80% of teenagers. Retentional lesions, such as blackheads and microcysts, usually appear in the first 12 years of age, followed by red pimples. It may linger through adolescence or even after. When it is severe, there is a chance that it will scar (presence of red nodules, large cysts, etc.).

Baby Acne

Approximately 20% of babies have infant acne. Small pimples on the baby’s face, typically between birth and two months, are its defining feature. This benign disorder is caused by excessive sebum production. At the end of pregnancy, the mother’s elevated hormone output causes the sebaceous glands to be strongly stimulated.

Pimples are intended to disappear on their own and are most frequently found on the cheeks and forehead. Simply washing the baby’s skin every day with water is sufficient, and you should avoid attempting to pop any pimples.

Hormonal Pimples

Since this is connected to hyper seborrhea or an excess of sebum, when we talk about acne, we sometimes imply hormonal acne. The sebaceous glands of the skin produce sebum, which is primarily but not only activated by androgens, particularly the male hormone testosterone.

Not to mention that some women experience worsening acne during their periods or ovulation, which further indicates that the acne is hormonal. Last but not least, some pregnant women experience acne, particularly in the first trimester.

Inflammatory or Persistent Acne?

Acne comes in two different forms. Retention acne is characterized by papulopustular lesions being less common than comedones and microcysts. Inflammatory papulopustular or nodular lesions, which are red and occasionally pustular, predominate in inflammatory acne.

Natural Treatments and Care

Skin cleansing: Use gentle soaps with a neutral pH to wash your face in the morning and evening if there is an excess of sebum on your skin.

Gently exfoliate: To brighten your complexion, exfoliate once each week. Then, use a gentle absorbing mask (clay or kaolin, for example).

Moisturise: Apply a mattifying day cream in the morning to absorb excess sebum after cleaning the skin and an oil-free moisturizer with purifying and cleansing characteristics in the evening (there are BB creams tinted, for example, which are suitable for acne-prone skin and make it possible to hide flaws without suffocating the pores).