When you become a mother, it can feel like there’s an overwhelming amount of things that people tell you you need to have for the baby and yourself. And this isn’t just limited to nursery items; there are plenty of items moms need, especially when breastfeeding. Breastfeeding has tremendous physical and emotional benefits for the mother and baby, but nursing your child doesn’t come easily to everyone. If you’re a breastfeeding mother, keep reading to ensure you have all the essential items to make this beautiful journey easy for you and your new baby.

Nursing Pillows
One of the easiest ways to make nursing comfortable for you and your baby is with a nursing pillow. These pillows are specifically designed to make it easier to support your baby and position them while breastfeeding. The additional support of the pillow helps ease the burden on your back and shoulders, which can be a lifesaver during those middle-of-the-night feeds or if your baby is a slow eater.
Nipple Balm
A breastfeeding baby needs to feed often, especially for the first few months of their life, so taking care of your nipples is critical. A quality nipple balm or cream is an excellent way to reduce nipple tenderness and prevent dryness in your nipples. Some breastfeeding mothers experience cracking or bleeding, so protecting with a natural salve safe for babies and you are a must.
Nursing Bra
You’ll want a comfortable nursing bra when you are breastfeeding. You don’t want any wires that can dig into your breasts which are especially tender as a breastfeeding mother. Many women opt to size up in nursing bras as their breasts can fluctuate in size. Nursing bras typically come with convenient clips you can undo with one hand since you’ll be holding your baby in your other hand and can help you feed whenever your baby is hungry.
Nursing Pads
Variety is the spice of life; some women leak more than others, but nursing pads are a must for every breastfeeding mother. You’ve got too much to worry about than laundering clothes that get soaked with breast milk when you have no control over your production and leakage! Nursing pads are typically disposable, but if you’re looking for a more sustainable option, you can get creative and DIY your own nursing pads or source reusable ones online.
Reusable Water Bottle
Many breastfeeding mothers struggle with production, and one of the best ways to keep your milk supply and feel your very best is to ensure you’re staying hydrated. Many moms feel extremely thirsty right as their baby latches on and begins nursing, so ensuring you always have convenient access to a full reusable water bottle is a great way to stay hydrated.
Breast Pumps
Dealing with the engorgement of your breasts as a nursing mother can be incredibly uncomfortable, especially when your baby is sleeping or just not hungry. A quality breast pump at home is essential to providing relief from engorgement and preventing clogged ducts or mastitis. You don’t have to pump a ton, but enough to feel relief can be a lifesaver. Make sure that you have a way to safely clean and sanitize your breast pump and all of its accessories.
Lactation Aids
It’s normal for a new mother to wonder if she has enough milk for her baby, but the truth is it’s extremely rare for mothers to not be supplying enough. Still, having some lactation aids at home can be beneficial to set your mind at ease. From lactation bars to supplements like fenugreek or teas to help with milk production, there are countless options to boost your supply that you can feel comfortable taking. As always, it’s best to check with your GP, midwife, or OB to ensure these products are safe for you, but many women not only rely on them but swear by them.
Breastfeeding is a magical time in a new mother’s life. The bonding between mother and child during nursing is something that women never forget, and the benefits to your baby are immense. With the right supplies, your breastfeeding journey can be made easier, so you can focus on these beautiful times with your baby. You have enough to worry about as a mother, don’t let breastfeeding be one of them!
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