If you’re like most IT professionals, you’re probably familiar with the concept of managed services. You know that it’s a great way to build a business and help your customers, but you might be a little confused about how to start and run your managed services business. Here are a few tips for setting you on the right path.

Choose a niche

There are thousands of managed services providers (MSPs) that compete in the IT services market. Some of them have great success, while many of them struggle to compete. Of course, they all provide a very similar service: they offer their customers help with technology. The difference is that some of them offer more specific tech support than others. If you want to stand out from other MSPs, you must choose a niche. Target a specific type of client, like SMBs in the healthcare industry, for example.

By choosing a niche that you feel is underserved, you can attract customers with a unique selling proposition. It is easier to convince a client to go with you instead of the big companies. If you are in a niche where you have the tools to make the job easier, then you can charge more.

Setup documentation well

When you are working as a managed service provider (MSP), you are often doing everything by yourself. There is no room for mistakes. Setting up good documentation is the key to success. Everything you do should be documented with step-by-step instructions. This will help you to stay on track and be prepared for anything that might come up. Being prepared is the key to success.

If you’re going to be running a managed services company and working with clients daily, you will need to set up some proper documentation. This will come in handy for both you and your clients. For you, it will help you keep track of the ins and outs of running the business. For your clients, it will help them understand their needs and the best ways to reach those needs.

Get remote monitoring 

Remote monitoring is at the core of Managed IT Services. It is the monitoring of the computer systems and networks of your clients from a remote site. RMM, or remote monitoring, is a service that provides the access to be able to detect the presence of a problem and react to it proactively. 

Develop pricing strategy

Whether you are a startup or an established company, you need to develop a pricing strategy. While developing a pricing strategy, you need to keep in mind that the pricing strategy is not a product of inspiration. It is a well-thought-out strategy that gives a clear direction to the customers on what they can expect in terms of pricing.

The most important thing to keep in mind before setting up a server to work as a managed service is that the services should be priced depending on market trends and the demand for the same. The best way to set up your pricing strategy is to look at your competitors, understand what they are offering, and then offer something slightly better.


Market your business. This should be the very first thing you do. It would be best if you got your name out there. Try placing ads in local magazines, radio, billboards, newspapers, and online. There are many ways to market your business. Don’t go for the cheapest option. Find a way to advertise that works for you. 

Structure pricing

When you’re starting an MSP, it may seem like pricing is an afterthought. In reality, it should be the first thing you address. Why? Well, it’s one of the most important factors that will help you determine whether you’ll succeed or fail in the business. To structure your pricing correctly, you need to have a clear understanding of what your services are worth. Pricing your services correctly will help you gain credibility among your customers and allow you to make a profit.

If you want to become a successfully managed service provider (MSP), you will need to make sure that you can sell your services. You will want to develop a pricing structure that matches the services that you offer and the clients you are targeting. 

Your pricing structure will help to determine the services that you will offer. If you are in a crowded market where there are many managed service providers, you will need to differentiate yourself by developing a unique pricing structure. You will also need to be sure that you have a pricing structure that will cover the costs of your services if you are providing a managed service.

Recruit strategically

It’s best to get to know your candidates before you hire them.  Successful MSPs should be growing their business on a consistent basis, which means that if you’re doing it right, you should constantly be looking for new talent.  When you’re looking at new talent, it’s important to consider two things:  

  1. The type of person that you’re looking to hire and 
  2. The skills they bring to the table.  

It’s important to have an idea of what type of person you’re looking for in your next hire and what skills they should bring to the table.  For instance, if you’re looking for an in-house IT director, you’re going to be looking for a very different type of person than if you’re looking to hire a mid-level engineer. 

Additionally, you should also have a good idea of the skill sets that you need.  Obviously, if you’re hiring a mid-level engineer and need someone with a specific skill set, like VoIP or Cisco, then you should be looking for candidates with those skills.  It’s also important to keep in mind that it’s hard to teach skills, so if you’re hiring a mid-level engineer and you need someone with specific skills, then it’s best to look for someone with those

Recruiting top-notch IT personnel is the top priority in any managed service provider (MSP) company, and it’s an area you cannot afford to skimp on. There’s a lot of competition for the best IT talent, so you’ll need to recruit as wisely and as early as possible. Ask everyone you know for recommendations — and then ask them for more.