Estrogen is a female hormone; thus, they have more in their bodies than men. Just as men have more testosterone in them than their counterparts. The estrogen levels within the medically set range keep the body working as it should. However, your body may experience a few problems when it reaches the higher side. 

The set range for women varies as per their age, but every menstruating woman must have 15 to 350 pg/mL of estrogen in their body. However, due to some biological and environmental factors, the body may experience an imbalance in hormone levels. 

These factors may include obesity, stress, Dysbiosis, alcohol consumption, and more. These may lead the body to reach a metabolic state known as estrogen dominance. 

We’re here with a list of side effects that women may exhibit in such situations. Read on to find out how they can be treated. 

  1. Uterine fibroids 

High estrogen levels are amongst the major fibroid causes in women. Fibroids are tumors found on or in the walls of the uterus. Many women of reproductive ages are prone to fibroids due to lifestyle and environmental factors. 

These fibroids can be as small as an apple seed or maybe the size of a grapefruit. There are no noticeable symptoms of fibroids; however, people experience severe discomfort such as: 

  • Painful periods 
  • Leg pain
  • Heavy bleeding
  • Pain during intercourse and more. 

So, if you exhibit any of the above symptoms, you may want to consult a gynae to find the potential fibroid causes and the best treatment plan. Treating them can vary from person to person, considering their overall health and lifestyle. 

  1. Severe headaches and migraines 

Many women experience severe pain in their heads during their periods. It is normal and justifiable because estrogen levels are high during menstruation. However, it can be a matter of concern if you are having constant headaches and migraine pains, even on non-period days. 

Many people get their eyes checked to see if it is the strain that is causing the pain. However, after a thorough check-up, they know that it is because of the imbalance of the female hormones. The symptoms of a hormonal headache include: 

  • Loss of appetite 
  • Joint pain
  • Constipation 
  • Acne
  • Cravings for alcohol or chocolate 

The treatment for such migraines differs in women depending on their hormonal imbalance. Some people feel great after using over-the-counter medications, while others may need hormonal therapy to reduce these persistent pains. 

  1. Insomnia 

The US Department of Health and Human Services (Women’s Health Division) reports that one in four women suffers from sleep issues due to hormonal imbalances. It has been seen that women experience insomnia due to high estrogen levels. 

An increase in the female hormone stimulates the nervous system, thus causing you to stay awake at night. Moreover, it also interferes with your body’s natural ability to produce melatonin. Women with insomnia due to increased estrogen levels exhibit the following signs: 

  • Difficulty falling asleep 
  • Lack of concentration
  • Daytime sleepiness
  • Waking up too early
  • Unsound sleep and more. 

Consult your doctor and discuss the changes you notice in your sleeping patterns. All women may not have the same signs; however, it could be because of the same underlying cause. The specialist may recommend medication and lifestyle changes to deal with the problem. 

Bottom line

A human body has more than 51 hormones that play a crucial role in keeping the body functioning well. However, a little imbalance even in one of those hormones can e; lead to significant health problems. Therefore, you must check your health and maintain your hormone levels with your healthcare provider’s guidance.