Life sometimes hits hard, which may require you to reach out to a family law attorney. While you can attempt to be your own lawyer, working on your own legal cases can be overwhelming. An attorney helps ease the burden of dealing with the court system. Here are some reasons you may need to hire a family law attorney.


The legal system requires you to submit exact paperwork. Working through the process without an experienced NYC family and divorce lawyer can prove confusing and overwhelming. An attorney can assist with the type of paperwork you need to file and help with the proper verbiage needed, as most people do not know the legal language required to fill out the forms themselves. Additionally, lawyers have access to an online filing system through the courts, so they can send the paperwork electronically and don’t have to worry about it getting lost in the mail. 

Pre-Nuptial or Post-Nuptial Agreements

When you start a marriage, you don’t expect anything negative to happen. However, you may want a pre-nuptial agreement filed while everything is going well. This agreement can prove very important should things sour between you and your partner. A pre-nuptial agreement protects both parties involved. No one needs to feel insulted by these types of contracts.

You can also get a post-nuptial agreement after you get married. Both agreements can protect you should a divorce happen. These contracts may list terms about the following factors:

  • Asset distribution
  • Alimony payments
  • Child custody and visitation


Child custody and visitation issues challenge even the most patient souls. Family law attorneys know the ins and outs of the law and can help you navigate anything that arises. Tension can arise anytime children are involved, and an attorney helps ensure the ruling is fair.

Of course, child welfare and what is best for the children are always considered. These types of worries get skewed when people are stressed. Family law attorneys help by being on your side and assisting you in finding the best solution. Depending on the court rules in your area, your lawyer can even act as your proxy if you feel unsafe going to court. 

Sometimes, it becomes necessary to move out of state. Moving to another state requires a modification agreement to an existing court order. You may need to consult a lawyer to amend your custody agreement so you can move legally with your child. 

Domestic Violence

Domestic violence is a serious matter. You need a California family law attorney on your side while you face your abuser. An attorney helps you face an abusive partner when the cases get nasty. You’ve probably heard all the scary stories about partners who go out of their way to harm their past victims. An attorney helps a victim reclaim their power. 

You need the same energy when fighting false abuse claims in family court. You’ll need a lawyer fighting for you if someone accuses you of being the abuser and you haven’t done anything wrong.