When doing personnel assessment, several companies utilize the Predictive Index (PI). PI is an assertion, self-report evaluation of a typical, adult, work-related personality that has been created and approved for use in professional and administrative groups. To boost your career, you may want to take the predictive index exam. Read on to learn how the predictive Index test can help your career.

About the Exam

The predictive index test is a self-reporting, theory-based Predictive Index that measures normal adult work-related personality for use in occupational and organizational groups.

Employee selection, executive onboarding, leadership development, succession planning, performance coaching, team building, and organizational culture change are among the many uses of the PI. Your marketability, skill set, engagement, and productivity may all be improved by using the predictive index assessments to better understand your unique strengths and qualities.

As a result of this test, individuals are presented with two lists of descriptive adjectives, both 86 items, in which they are asked to endorse those that they believe best describe them (the “self” domain) and then the ones that best reflect how they believe others expect them to behave (the “self-concept” domain). A third suggested domain (the “synthesis”) might be read as representing an employee’s observed conduct in the workplace when these two domains are combined.

The evaluation is not timed and may be completed on paper and pencil, on a desktop computer, or on the Internet, depending on your preference.

What can the Predictive Index Test do for my job prospects and career?

There are four main personality components measured by the PI that may assist you in better understanding yourself, which can then allow you to grow professionally as a result.


This measures the capability to control one’s surroundings to the fullest extent possible. High scorers in this section are self-confident, independent, and forceful. Those that do not do well in this area are easy to work with, willing to cooperate, and flexible.


An individual’s desire to engage in interpersonal relationships. High-scoring individuals are gregarious, persuasive, and socially adept. People that have a low EQ are serious, introspective, and focused on their goals.


This is the measure of your longing for a sense of stability and permanence. A person with a lot of patience will work steadily and happily, doing the same thing over and over again until the job is done.

Even though this individual enjoys socializing, they would choose a few close friends over a large number of acquaintances.

Because of the importance of maintaining a consistent routine for someone of this personality type, any changes should be implemented gradually and thoughtfully. If you want to work as a software developer, you’ll need to be patient.


Individuals desire to follow established norms and regulations. Individuals that are very structured, exact, and self-disciplined fall under this category. Those who have a low EQ are known for their informality, laxity, and lack of self-awareness.

Secondarily, the PI assesses two secondary personality constructs:


Information processing and decision-making abilities are evaluated. A person with a high score on this dimension is objective and rational and is most affected by evidence and data. Low-scoring people tend to be more emotional and irrational than those who score high on this dimension.

Level of response

Energy, activity level, and stamina are all indicators of a person’s total reactivity to the environment. When this factor is high, a person’s endurance and stress tolerance are better able to last for longer. Low-scoring individuals have a lower ability to do this task.

There are therefore several other benefits to utilizing the Personality Inventory (PI) to better understand one’s unique abilities.