You may have the usual driving basics covered, but when you’re travelling around with a new baby or infant in tow, you’ll need some extra help – particularly on long-distance trips. When you’re caring for children, you may run into any number of scenarios that pose an issue when far from home, and you’ll want to ensure that you and your young passengers reach your destination as comfortably and as safely as possible. 

Baby sitting in the car in a carseat

Stocking up on Supplies

Luckily, packing a few extra accessories can help reduce the difficulty of getting from point A to point B with a very young child. That said, the child care industry tends to carry a heavy price tag. Rather than go without any of the essentials that you’ll need for car travel with your infant, visit a shopping website where you can get the latest online flyers for extra savings.

Diaper Changing Station

If your child is still in diapers or still in the process of potty training, the first thing that you should remember to pack is your changing kit.

This should include: 

If you’re pressed for time, you can also find diaper change kits that include everything you need at your local maternity store. Check an online shopping directory for your nearest location. You can also check out Caden Lane for more information.

First Aid Kit

While there’s no reason to suspect an accident will happen, there’s no reason you shouldn’t always be prepared for the worst-case scenario. Even if no event occurs that causes trauma, a well-stocked first aid kit will contain items like children’s Tylenol that can come in handy on long road trips. 

Road Map with Essential Destinations Marked

You may usually rely on electronic devices for all your travel needs, but when you’re distracted with young children on board, you’ll be happy to have a physical map nearby for quick and easy reference. Another reason why a map is handy is that you can write your destination on it and circle stops that you’ll want to make to break up the trip. 

Games and Toys

Along with frequent stops, it will help to bring along items that can distract your child from the boredom of a long journey. Remember to pack their favourite games and toys and pick up a few new games to surprise children when things reach their worst. There are lots of good baby car toys to help keep infants occupied in the car.

Other Essentials to Consider

Besides packing the essentials, there are a few tips that will benefit anyone driving with an infant frequently for the first time. These include: 

  • Drive at Night for Long Trips When Possible
  • Don’t Push Yourself Too Far
  • Plan Frequent Stops
  • Bring Another Adult When Possible
  • Plan Distractions Like Singing Songs

It may be more complicated than usual when you’re driving a long distance with young children, but it isn’t impossible. Just remember that the entire trip will become much easier when you plan ahead by shopping for the essentials with the help of a shopping website.