Some people enjoy hosting dinner parties. They come up with reasons to invite family, friends, and peers over to their homes. Others host dinner parties for special occasions. 

An interior decor revamp is a great reason to host an evening with people special to you. The new decor will receive love from you since you’ll live in it daily. It’s also nice to show it off to others.

If you’re hoping to score points with guests, focus on the decor that they will see at your home. For example, focusing on the dining room is a given. Focus on the path leading to the room too.

We help you impress your guests with these stunning decor pieces when hosting a dinner party. Let’s look at nine pieces.

1. Opulent Ceiling Fan with Lights

Many individuals overlook the ceiling. However, to impress guests, install an opulent ceiling fan with lights. It serves as a statement piece in the dining room. Plus, it’s a practical item. 

The opulence comes from the accents that hold the light. For example, you can pick a ceiling fan that has stained glass.

From the ceiling, the fan illuminates the entire space. If it’s a warm-weather season, the fan helps circulate and disperse the warm air.

Some dining rooms don’t receive a lot of use. Thus, you might not see the benefit of installing a ceiling fan. If you only hold dinners for very special events, consider installing a chandelier.

2. Accent Mirrors

Like ceiling fans, mirrors double as practical decor items. The American Industrial Revolution brought mass-produced furnishings to the public. In the process, these items lost craftsmanship and opulence.

As minimalism made a comeback in the last decade, manufacturers started producing functional decor items. Mirrors have specific jobs. What makes them special is the frame.

You can impress your guests with vintage accent mirrors. If you can’t find a vintage mirror, opt for those with ornate frames. Then, place them in the hallway leading to the dining room.

3. Wall Waterfall Fountains

In 2020, the population discovered that it wanted to live in calm instead of chaos. Thus, a lot of interior redecorating took place. Several industry insiders found that furniture sales increased in 2020. Plus, they anticipated another 2% increase for 2021.

One way to create calm in your home and impress your dinner guests is to install a wall waterfall fountain. Most include lights, self-directing water, and the water pump.

You can install it yourself or hire professionals to do it for you. Plus, it’s possible to order a custom version for your home.

4. Modern Rugs

Rugs continue trending as must-have interior decor items. You can pick from traditional, art deco, antique, and modern.

Modern rugs feature clean and smooth lines. They incorporate an artistic flair even though modern rugs remain comparatively subdued. 

You can place rugs under the dining room table, leading toward the dining room, or on the side of the table. Placement depends on how you want to make a statement.

5. Wall Art Installations

Art is very on-trend for 2022. You can hang a large piece in the dining room or you can opt for an art installation.

Since art remains subjective, the piece should speak to you in a personal manner. Then, when your guests want to discuss it, you can share your point of view. 

Sculptures count as art too. These sit well at the dining room entrance.

6. Glass Drinkware

Everything in the dining room can impress your guests during a dinner party including the glass drinkware. 

Many individuals will purchase vintage furnishings in 2022. If you find vintage drinkware, you’re more likely to find one-of-a-kind sets that will impress your guests.

7. Recessed Lighting

Lighting manufacturers continue finding ways to take lights beyond practical items. Professionals can install recessed lighting in your dining room to create an intimate ambiance.

They place them in corners, the ceiling, and walls. Then, professionals adorn them with scones, shades, and border accents.

8. Table Runners

To dress up the dining table use a table runner. Table runners help you decorate the table without cluttering it. 

At the end of the night, you’ll find that runners make it easier to clean up the table.

9. Table Vases

Top off your dining room’s decor with table vases. You can place fresh flowers in them or leave them empty. The trick is to find unique vases that become talking pieces during the party.


When hoping to impress your dinner guests with your home’s decor, focus on what they will see. Art, rugs, and drinkware will dress up the room and catch the attention of your guests.