Everyone experiences some form of anxiety at one point or another in their lifetime. However, there are individuals that experience anxiety nearly every day of their life for one reason or another. Anxiety is the body’s response to something that doesn’t feel right or a form of stress response. It is not necessarily a bad thing, it is just something that happens. You feel uneasy, you might think you are nervous about something that happened or is about to happen. And the feeling is not a good one.
Different Types of Anxiety
There are several different types of anxiety, however, each feels just as bad as the next when it is happening to you. These anxiety disorders cannot be helped and someone cannot simply “snap out of it” because it is like any mental illness, you need to work through it with a professional.
Social Anxiety Disorder is an extreme fear of social situations and being judged by others.
Phobias are an excessive fear of a situation, object, or activity.
Panic Disorders are basically panic attacks over something or someone that occur at seemingly random times.
Separation Anxiety is a fear of being abandoned, usually by a certain individual, but also being left alone somewhere either familiar or unfamiliar.
Illness Anxiety Disorder is severe anxiety regarding your health, it was also called hypochondria.
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD is anxiety resulting in a traumatic event that happens to you or is witnessed by you.
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder or OCD is a recurring thought, usually irrational, that “makes” you perform a specific task over and over again for fear of something bad happening to you or others.
Causes and Symptoms of Anxiety
There are a few different causes of anxiety, but there is no scientific test or true treatment for anxiety. Situations, stress, genetics, and how someone was raised could all be contributing factors to anxiety.
Symptoms vary from person to person, but can include worrying, dizziness, feeling faint, dry mouth, confusion, finding it hard to speak or locate the correct words, numbness and/or tingling in your extremities, fear, headaches, and a general feeling of unwellness within your body.
Treatment Practices for Anxiety
There are two different methods for treating anxiety, and it is up to you and your doctor or therapist to decide which works best. Psychotherapy and medication are your options, although there are different types of psychotherapy that may or may not be helpful. Unfortunately, medications come with a long list of side effects and many individuals opt not to try them. They can be helpful in the short term until you master techniques for managing your anxiety.
If you feel you have general anxiety that lasts for more than a few months, you should see professional help. There is nothing wrong with going to a therapist to help you identify and fix your anxiety. Mental illness, similar to a physical ailment, a doctor can help.
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