Winter weather can be tough, from enduring cold temperatures to driving in inclement weather. The best way to deal with winter hardships is to prepare and be as proactive as possible. By preparing for winter, there is less of a chance of running into wintertime safety issues. Here are some tips for staying safe this winter.

Prepare your home
One of the first steps to winter safety is winterizing your home. Winterizing is a great way to prepare, improve energy efficiency, and so on. By taking these steps, you can also help prevent winter emergencies, from pipes bursting to roof leaks.
Most fires happen in the wintertime, and now is a great time to make sure fire alarms are installed and working properly, as well as carbon monoxide detectors.
It is also a good idea to consider emergency preparedness, from power outages to ice storms that may leave you stuck at home. Plan ahead with alternative fuel sources, candles, battery powered lights, extra food, and so on.
Make sure your snowblower is working properly well before the first snowfall. You should also stock up on something to melt ice on icy walkways (remember to choose a pet-safe option if you have a dog or cat, and keep your pets warm and safe).
Be prepared for the outdoors
When you need to head out in inclement weather, make sure to be prepared. Wear layers and appropriate clothes that can handle things like wind chill and precipitation. Accessories like a hat and gloves are a must.
Be careful when navigating the outdoors. Watch for ice, and take your time. Don’t overexert yourself doing things like shoveling heavy snow. If an accident does happen, you may want to consider searching for a slip and fall lawyer.
Prepare your vehicle
Driving in the wintertime is an important part of winter safety. Start the season by winterizing your car with appropriate tires, and you may need to purchase chains as well. Take care of car issues before harsh winter weather arrives.
Choose wiper fluid that is a wintertime formula to help with ice, and have an ice scraper and snow broom in the car. It is helpful to keep you car filled up as often as possible, so that you don’t end up stranded and to avoid having to gas up in inclement weather.
It is vital to pack an emergency kit in the car. This can contain many items, including a shovel, warm weather items (blankets, hats, etc), flashlight, portable charger, something for traction, and more.
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