Now more than ever people enjoy staying at home, either relaxing or working, they try to make it as comfortable as possible. Practicing the hygge style which means warmth, comfort, and coziness to keep the wintertime blues at bay. 

As winter approaches, we all need extra comfy clothes or upgrades to our house to make it more enjoyable. There are plenty of simple ways, you just have to search the web and find the things you need.

Below we’ll give you an idea of some of the simplest ways to feel more comfortable when staying at home. 

Photo by Lisa from Pexels  

Upgrade your bed

The bedroom is one of the most important rooms in the house, and it should be a cozy and enjoyable place for you to distress and rest. Everyone has unique needs for restful sleep, so upgrading your bed or mattress can be a great idea. 

Having back and neck problems, insomnia, and other issues can have a big impact on your daily life. Maybe you need an adjustable bed to reduce back and neck pain, acid reflux, sleep apnea, heartburn, or snoring.

For example, if you live in California and are looking for a cool and comfortable mattress to upgrade your bed, search for what kind of mattress store Orange County has to offer to find the perfect one. Are you looking for a natural cotton mattress, organic wool, or natural latex and quality pillowcase covers? Natural cotton mattress absorbs, is breathable, and extremely durable, while organic wool is natural, hypo-allergenic, and regulates the temperature. And the natural latex one has body-conforming benefits you’ll love.

Refresh your wardrobe

Autumn is the season when we switch from one type of clothing to another, but we are reluctant since the weather tends to change all the time. Being at home has its benefits since you won’t have to think too much about what to wear and whether you’ll be cold or warm. To shake things up a bit, go for a seasonal shopping spree and refresh your t-shirt collection with some colorful designs.

Graphic tees with meaningful messages and cool prints are some of the coolest choices for a comfy look. If you’re someone who loves plants more than people, then buy yourself a plant shirt and enjoy wearing it around the house, feeling comfortable and happy. Whatever your preference, remember to purchase things you love and things that will make you feel comfy and satisfied while staying at home.

Create a cool ambiance with lights

A cozy place needs light, but not just any light. There’s nothing worse than bad lighting to ruin your comfort. Consider placing interesting floor lamps with low light to set the mood. The key to incorporating an intimate mood is placing various sources of lighting including strategically mounted ceiling lights for a dramatic look or soft bedside lamps.

But, what better source of light than natural light? Place your bed near a window, or your favorite reading chair near a floor lamp that produces cozy light. Creating the perfect ambiance with lights can give a warm feeling to a winter’s night. Cozying up to dim light and a movie, there’s no better way to spend chilly days and nights at home.

Photo by Tina Witherspoon from Unsplash

Add rugs and plants for liveliness

Rugs have become the new art pieces people put up on their walls, and they can make the whole place look more lively and fun. But, if you’re a more traditional person and simply want more warmth on your feet during the cold season, furry rugs are the perfect thing for you to feel relaxed at home. Not only do they bring more warmth to a home, but they also make it look more artistic.

Adding plants to this ensemble will only liven up and make your place cozier. Placing a lot of greenery into a home can help elevate the mood and they’re the perfect way to breathe some life into a neutral space and add color. If you can’t take care of live plants, consider faux or simply add paintings with flowers. This is an excellent way to add color and brighten up your home.

Keep yourself entertained

It’s not always about the things you can add to your home to make you feel more comfortable. Keeping yourself entertained while at home can be such a great mood setter. If you’re a fan of watching TV shows and movies, try to give yourself free time to enjoy these things. If you want to relax with a nice book, place a floor lamp next to your sofa and create the ultimate cozy atmosphere to enjoy a trip to fantasyland.

Find what keeps you entertained, but don’t put too much pressure on yourself to do everything you want during your stay at home. Sometimes we can get stuck in comfortable situations that can be difficult to get out of. Use your time at home to relax and only do things that are fun and interesting, but don’t try too hard.

Photo by David Lezcano from Unsplash

In closing

Cozying up a place doesn’t need too much, only the things that make you feel nice and warm. Think about warming up the windows by adding heavy curtains or stashing slippers in every room so your feet will never be cold. There are many options to choose from, just make sure it’s something you love and enjoy. The home should always be a place where you feel comfortable and safe.