The ability to focus in children is crucial, not only for within an educational setting but also as part of a good household routine as they learn, grow and take on more responsibilities. Getting your child to focus can be a challenge for a lot of parents, but here are a few ways you can promote better concentration.Ā 

Encourage Your Child to Take Part in Regular Tasks

Providing regular opportunities for your child to focus on tasks, no matter how big or small, is vital for helping them get used to it. If youā€™re looking to encourage more focus at school, even tasks at home can help with that if itā€™s helping them to build their concentration abilities. Itā€™s therefore important to look for lots of opportunities for focus building exercises in their everyday routine. This could be simple chores and errands where they have the chance to learn something, or even just to concentrate on something for a set period of undistracted time. 

Donā€™t Overwhelm Them

Losing focus can happen no matter your age; even as an adult, if youā€™re overwhelmed by too many tasks, it can be difficult to apply the concentration thatā€™s needed. As a child, it can be even more challenging. When planning focus-building exercises for your child, donā€™t try to do too much at once. Having one easy task to focus on at a time is a good way to start, and you can always build up to bigger, more challenging tasks when needed and as they get older. 

Work Alongside Them

Telling your child to complete a task and then leaving them to it may mean theyā€™re more inclined to become distracted when youā€™re not around. Not only will working alongside them mean you can ensure theyā€™re focusing, but it can also be a great opportunity for bonding

An example of this could be helping them with their homework or simply being present for positive encouragement while theyā€™re working to fulfill a task. If itā€™s a chore, guide them on how to complete it, but make sure theyā€™re the ones doing it under your supervision. 

Provide a Fun Way for Them to Learn

Building concentration, and especially when it comes to something educational, is much easier when the task is fun. If you can make learning entertaining, then your child will more willingly partake in the task and actually enjoy doing it. Using educational games for kids is a great example of how children can focus more easily on educational tools when theyā€™re more stimulating. Even games that aren’t strictly educational can still teach things – for example, the popular game Tiny Fishing, which you can learn about here, can be used to help teach the value of money as children swap the fish they catch for money to pay for upgrades to their fishing equipment. You could even turn it into a game for older children and have them work out how much money they will have left after buying certain items.  

Ensure a Healthy Lifestyle

Any adult will know how difficult it is to feel motivated if you lack a healthy lifestyle, especially when it comes to lack of sleep and lack of sensible diet. The more unhealthy you are, the more likely it is that youā€™ll have difficulty with focus and motivation. 

The same applies to children, which is why a healthy routine is always a plus for having them feel more productive. A healthy sleep cycle is important for their concentration and energy levels, and the right diet could include mood- and focus-boosting foods to have them always feeling their best.