Daily stretching, like eating vegetables, is good for you. As different vegetables provide needed vitamins, various stretches support assorted activities.  

Spending time each day stretching can yield benefits no matter what type or level of your activity.

Multiple Applications

Stretches can be part of vigorous workouts and an active lifestyle as described by Michael Canzian, a business executive and sports enthusiast who emphasizes the importance of physical fitness.

Warming up and cooling down with stretching exercises in connection with sports activities and intense workouts are oft-cited recommendations.

Stretching also can help you get around more easily in your everyday life. Sometimes our bodies cry with stiffness when we get up in the morning or sit in a chair too long. Getting in and out of a car can be a challenge. Bending over to get laundry from the dryer or reaching up to a shelf for a can may prompt an unfamiliar twinge.

Stretching might provide some relief.

Basic Benefits

Stretching can improve your mobility, boost well-being and help buff up your appearance, whether the exercises are part of a vigorous lifestyle or woven into daily routines. Some reasons to practice stretching exercises are listed below.

  1. To improve flexibility and posture.
  2. To help increase and maintain range of motion.
  3. To strengthen muscles and help prevent injuries.
  4. To ease muscle soreness and back pain.

Stretching, like other exercises, shouldn’t cause pain. Consult a health care provider in cases of injuries or persistent discomfort.

Simple Movements

Stretching movements can begin with regularly getting out of your chair and raising your arms. Bending forward to a comfortable level, then backward, can “wake up” stiffening muscles and improve posture. Knee bends are a cinch while waiting for lunch to warm up in the microwave.

Exercise, including stretching, can reduce tension and stress and boost alertness. Flexibility will be beneficial whether you are at home in the kitchen reaching for a dish in the oven or on a golf course swinging a club.

Another reason to stretch is because it feels good.

Next Step

Now you have some ideas about the many possible benefits of stretching. You can reap some of the pluses by incorporating various stretches throughout the day. After a few weeks of following your expanded routine, you might be surprised to feel more energized and better overall.  

And adding stretches to your daily activities might be easier than trying a new vegetable.

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Daily stretching, like eating vegetables, is good for you. As different vegetables provide needed vitamins, various stretches support assorted activities.  

Spending time each day stretching can yield benefits no matter what type or level of your activity.

Multiple Applications

Stretches can be part of vigorous workouts and an active lifestyle as described by Michael Canzian, a business executive and sports enthusiast who emphasizes the importance of physical fitness.

Warming up and cooling down with stretching exercises in connection with sports activities and intense workouts are oft-cited recommendations.

Stretching also can help you get around more easily in your everyday life. Sometimes our bodies cry with stiffness when we get up in the morning or sit in a chair too long. Getting in and out of a car can be a challenge. Bending over to get laundry from the dryer or reaching up to a shelf for a can may prompt an unfamiliar twinge.

Stretching might provide some relief.

Basic Benefits

Stretching can improve your mobility, boost well-being and help buff up your appearance, whether the exercises are part of a vigorous lifestyle or woven into daily routines. Some reasons to practice stretching exercises are listed below.

  1. To improve flexibility and posture.
  2. To help increase and maintain range of motion.
  3. To strengthen muscles and help prevent injuries.
  4. To ease muscle soreness and back pain.

Stretching, like other exercises, shouldn’t cause pain. Consult a health care provider in cases of injuries or persistent discomfort.

Simple Movements

Stretching movements can begin with regularly getting out of your chair and raising your arms. Bending forward to a comfortable level, then backward, can “wake up” stiffening muscles and improve posture. Knee bends are a cinch while waiting for lunch to warm up in the microwave.

Exercise, including stretching, can reduce tension and stress and boost alertness. Flexibility will be beneficial whether you are at home in the kitchen reaching for a dish in the oven or on a golf course swinging a club.

Another reason to stretch is because it feels good.

Next Step

Now you have some ideas about the many possible benefits of stretching. You can reap some of the pluses by incorporating various stretches throughout the day. After a few weeks of following your expanded routine, you might be surprised to feel more energized and better overall.  

And adding stretches to your daily activities might be easier than trying a new vegetable.