Your healthcare providers are perhaps the most important people in your life after your loved ones. They are responsible for your physical and mental well-being. Therefore, you must cultivate a good relationship with them. Apart from doctors, it would help if you also aimed to get along with Nurse Practitioners (NP) and Registered Nurses (RN).
When you have a good relationship with your healthcare providers, they are more inclined to help you. After all, no one likes rude patients and will avoid them at all costs.

There is a difference between genuine interest and questions asked out of the procedure. You want your healthcare provider to share their knowledge and expertise with you beyond your right to know. Healthcare practitioners will only give you extra knowledge if they feel valued and respected as much as they value and respect you.
So, here’s how you cultivate and maintain a good relationship with your healthcare provider:
- Prepare yourself for an appointment
A hospital appointment is more than showing up and sitting at the office. You need to provide relevant information about yourself to your attending nurse. If you don’t know the last medication, you add more work for the staff to retrieve your information. So before every appointment, ensure you carry your prescriptions and reports. Any medical records you have, bring them along. It would also help if you knew what medication you’ve been using.
- Learn electronic health records
Most nurses who have acquired a license to work as an NP after completing a master of science in nursing online can read your health records and diagnose conditions. However, EHRs aren’t just for healthcare providers. They are also for you. If you show genuine interest in learning how to use them, you can take better care of yourself. So, learn to take control of your health. When you know how to use your electronic records, you get access to more knowledge. You also have a route to email your doctor in case you need help.
- Prepare your questions
If an NP is looking over you, s/he usually has a small window of time to give you. This means you should know what to ask your nurse while you’re in session. It would help to ask your questions before the nurse begins your physical exam. It will help the nurse to answer your questions and add additional notes at the end of your exam. You also save yourself from confusion since your nurse will know what concerns you had before the exam. If your nurse feels like a question you asked needs further follow-up, they can help you make another appointment.
- Be specific about your health
Unless you ask the right questions, your healthcare provider can’t help you. For instance, if you have a problem with your eyesight, be specific when asking about possible treatments. Even if you don’t need surgery right away, your healthcare provider can tell you if you may need one. And if you do need surgery, you can ask your physician how to prepare and reduce anxiety.
- Inform them if you went to another doctor
Your healthcare provider won’t be offended if you went to see another professional. In fact, in the healthcare sector, most patients go in for a second opinion. However, your healthcare provider needs to be in the loop to avoid conflicting treatments and medication. It also helps your healthcare provider make necessary adjustments to your plan. It can also help your healthcare provider compare which treatment option feasibly, and you get opportunities to explore.
- Discuss all your concerns
If you aren’t satisfied with the care you’re receiving, bring it up. Most nurses and other healthcare providers are used to routine procedures. So unless you mention where you want your nurse to pay attention, they won’t know how to help. The same goes for if they’re performing a test and you want to know how they’ll know something is wrong. From lifestyle choices like extreme sports to religion, these are all parts of your health. If it is important for you to engage in prayer for health and healing, then you can express this to your doctor.
Remember, just because healthcare providers check numerous patients, it doesn’t make them mind readers. Communication goes both ways. The more you inform them about your concerns, the better they’ll help you.
You must have a good relationship with your healthcare provider. The best way to ensure you achieve this is through proper communication. When you go to a hospital or clinic, always prepare for your appointment. Please keep your questions in check and don’t be afraid to ask them. If you’re specific about your concerns, your healthcare provider will guide you better. Learn how to use an electronic health chart to facilitate your treatment. If you’re looking at second opinions, let your primary healthcare provider know. Censoring information will do you no good. Finally, respect your healthcare provider and value the time they give you.
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