Black tea originated in China in the 17th century after soldiers took refuge at a tea factory and decided to smoke the leaves that were left out to oxidize. Due to their darkened coloring, the label “red tea” was also given and is still used today to describe them. Black tea was appreciated for its strong flavor and lifespan, and sold for considerable amounts. (1)

Today, black tea is still widely adored. In America, for example, black tea accounts for over 90% of all tea consumed. It’s also appreciated for its many potential health benefits. Compared to other teas, black tea is considered one of the most beneficial for physical and mental wellbeing, as will be explored below. (1) (2) 

Antioxidant function of tea

Polyphenols are a group of antioxidants present in black tea, which are believed to boost overall health and protect your DNA from damage, as explored by My Tea Drops. It’s suggested that they may shield your body from various types of chronic illness and other health problems.

Some of these potential health benefits include but are not limited to the following: 

  • Reducing chances of heart disease and other heart issues 
  • Reducing chances of stroke
  • Lowering blood pressure
  • Reducing risk of high cholesterol
  • Promoting gut health 
  • May reduce risk of cancer by protecting against tumor development 
  • Reducing risk of obesity by managing weight 
  • Managing stress related disorders 
  • Helps diabetic patients by lowering levels of blood glucose and enhancing insulin statuses (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) 

What Do The Studies Say? 

While further research is required to better understand the potential preventative perks of black tea, various studies conducted with small to large groups of participants have calculated an approximate risk reduction rate for specific diseases. The risks of heart disease, for example, were revealed in a 2007 review to be effectively lowered if a person drinks three or more cups of black tea per day. Another study carried out in 2013 revealed that those who drank four or more cups of black tea per day had a significantly lower chance of having a stroke. The connection between drinking black tea and lowering of blood pressure was also explored. (5) (7) (8) 

Improves Alertness And Focus 

Black tea not only contains caffeine but also amino acids known for increasing mental clarity and boosting energy levels. It, however, does not affect you to the same extent that other caffeinated drinks do, such as energy drinks or coffee. Black tea has a gentler touch but still enough stimulant to perk you up during the day and enhance levels of brain function. A 2010 study revealed that participants drinking tea displayed higher levels of accuracy and increased attention to detail than those who drank a placebo. This study was carried out through the use of multiple attention-driven tests. Therefore, whether you’re looking to reduce your coffee-intake or simply searching for a kinder substance to aid your mental alertness, mood and reflexes, black tea may be worth a shot. (5) (9) 

Aids In Weight Loss 

While many people believe that there is nothing better than bubble tea, black tea, taken straight without any sugary or fatty additions, is a healthy, unsweetened beverage with approximately two calories per serving. Scientists are turning to black tea as a potential strategy in managing weight loss and preventing/controlling obesity. Gut-boosting and anti-inflammatory effects have been linked to reduced risks of obesity. This is due to lowering unhealthy fat-inducing gut bacteria, whilst increasing the bacteria associated with healthy body mass. (10) (11)

Black tea has also been suggested to alter metabolism and improve fat distribution/reduction, as green tea may. As mentioned above, black tea can contain up to 80mg of caffeine. Caffeine is known to increase your metabolic rate through a thermogenesis (heat-producing) process, which in turn tells your body to rid itself of more calories. Therefore, the caffeine stimulants in black tea may be enough to aid the body in shedding those last few pounds. (10) (11) (12) (13) 

Risks Of Drinking Black Tea 

While the majority of studies reveal black tea to be healthy for the body and mind, it is important to consider the potential risks if it’s not consumed wisely. Due to its caffeine content, it is possible that if you drink too much you may fall victim to a few side effects, including:

  • Nausea
  • Heart irregularities
  • Restlessness
  • Anxiety
  • Insomnia
  • Vomiting

The acidity of black tea is another factor to consider, as this may cause heartburn and other digestive discomfort. (13) (14) 

Final Thoughts 

Whether you’re looking to reduce your waistline, improve your cognitive function or increase your metabolism, black tea may be your answer. The potential health benefits linked to black tea-drinking are definitely impressive. The possible chance of reducing the risks of chronic/severe diseases such as strokes, heart disease and even potentially cancer are other factors to consider. Overall, black tea has and continues to be known for its strong flavor, caffeine content and health perks. 


  1. “The History of Black Tea”, Source:,at%20a%20nearby%20tea%20factory 
  2. “America is slowly – but surely – becoming a nation of tea drinkers”, Source: 
  3. “Molecular evidences of health benefits of drinking black tea”, Source: 
  4. “Exploring the potential of black tea based flavonoids against hyperlipidemia related disorders”, Source: 
  5.  “10 Evidence-Based Health Benefits of Black Tea”, Source: 
  6. “Tea and Cancer Prevention”, Source: 
  7. “Black tea – helpful or harmful? A review of the evidence”, Source: 
  8. “Black Tea Lowers Blood Pressure and Wave Reflections in Fasted and Postprandial Conditions in Hypertensive Patients: A Randomised Study”, Source: 
  9. “Black tea improves attention and self-reported alertness”, Source: 
  10. “Black tea boosts weight loss by altering gut bacteria”, Source: 
  11. “9 Reasons Why Drinking Black Tea Can Impact Your Weight Loss Goals”, Source:
  12. “Green tea changes serum and liver metabolomic profiles in mice with high‐fat diet‐induced obesity”, Source: 
  13. “A New Reason to Drink Black Tea: It May Increase Weight Loss”, Source: 
  14. “Caffeine”, Source:,respiration%2C%20and%20other%20side%20effects