Love Vs Design is a wallpaper design and supply company that was created back in 2006 in Utah, and since then they have become one of the best online wallpaper stores in the entire world. Love Vs Design is widely known and popular for its stick and peel wallpaper, which is extremely durable and long-lasting and is made using only high-quality materials which makes it the best wallpaper available in the market today.

 Love Vs Design however, is more popular and commonly known for their kid’s peel and stick wallpaper. Their kid’s variety is very large and extensive and all their wallpapers are made using only the best and highest quality materials which means that they can have no adverse effects on a child’s health and well-being. In addition to this, there are a lot of other key factors that make Love Vs Design an ideal choice for your kid’s bedroom makeover.

We will discuss those factors here;

They have an Extremely Large Collection to Choose From

Love Vs Design has thousands of kid’s stick and peel wallpapers available in their online wallpaper collection. This collection allows your kid to pick out the best design based on what they love. This collection also provides them a unique opportunity to express their creativity and interests by choosing the wallpaper that best describes their personality.

Their Wallpaper is Extremely Durable

An added benefit of going with Love Vs Design is that their wallpaper is extremely durable and can last a long time as compared to using paint. Typically, wallpapers can last for 10 to 15 years before they need to be replaced. This means that once you have decided on wallpaper for your kid’s room you do not have to worry about constantly changing or replacing it.

Their Wallpaper is Easy to Clean

This can come in handy if you are looking to install wallpaper in a young child’s room. Children are more prone to spilling stuff all over their room and that can be the same case when it comes to wallpaper as well. But wallpaper is beneficial in this area because wallpaper is extremely easy to clean and it doesn’t get affected by ordinary spills. You can use a microfiber cloth to clean the area where the spillage took place whereas if your child manages to spill something on paint it is extremely difficult and in often cases impossible to clean up. All of this and more makes Love Vs Design the best choice for your kid’s bedroom

Their The Only Truly Custom Wallpaper in the Market

The Love Vs Design website offers you a choice between 200 different colors. It also allows you to change and edit the color of every single element that is present on the wallpaper. This new and exciting feature can enable you to edit a wallpaper based on your child’s needs and interests. Using the online customization feature you can create a wallpaper that is one of a kind and is something that you will not find anywhere else.

All of this coupled with the fact that they have a relatively quick delivery system that can deliver the wallpaper to your home in the space of 5 business days makes them an ideal choice for your kid’s bedroom makeover.