Whether you are a high school student who is about to transverse into college life or a working individual enrolled in a postgrad degree, you need to come to terms with a hard fact. Education will be part of your life for a while, whether you like it or not. Regardless, it is one of the best investments any individual can make for oneself personally or professionally.

If you are looking to move up in your career, take life into your own hands and make a success story of it, it’s best you pursue your education in one way or another. Today, online education has made it easier to achieve your dream degree and professional goals. Distance and online learning are now so widely prevalent that the admission criteria into online programs are considerably more relaxed than regular programs. It means that there is an influx of students in various degrees because it’s simply easy to get into them. Some online degree programs also do not require entry-level tests such as GMAT and GRE while still providing the same knowledge.

However, there is a lot more self-study involved in online learning experiences, especially those catering to higher education and professionals who seek to up-skill. Similarly, these programs are also more assignment-oriented, allowing greater flexibility in schedule and course load management, especially for working professionals. Therefore, you may be enrolled in an online MBA no GMAT required while trying to enhance your business skills, be ready for the assignment-based coursework coming your way. And juggling both work and studies can be quite a challenge.

If you’re okay with it, that’s great.  But suppose you’re bad at completing assignments on time and suck at meeting deadlines, you can look for an assignment writing service, or continue reading to know a few tips that might come in handy.

Put your phone away

One of the most significant distractions students at any level encounter while trying to complete their assignments on time is the darn smartphone! Texting people, browsing social media and playing games are some of the most common ways to kill productivity. While taking breaks while studying is helpful, you might not realize how much time you are wasting by doing random stuff on your phone. The average break should be for roughly 10 minutes. Anything more prolonged, and you’ll fall behind schedule as the assignment deadline approaches. And let’s be honest, how many students take a ten-minute break to play with their phones. You’re cheating if you say anything less than 30 minutes!

It’s simple, put your phone away and don’t look at it till you complete your assignments. If you can’t resist, consider putting it someplace far from your current location, like another room. Getting up to retrieve it can seem like a monumental task!

Create a study group

If you are trying to be more productive and meet deadlines, one of the best things you can do is create a study group with your peers. Sit around with your friends and set goals to get stuff done on time. Study groups will also help you draw on each other’s strengths and do better work in the long run. They’re productive and efficient.

Moreover, if some group members are slacking, others can keep them in check to ensure that work gets done on time. Working with friends also eliminates the boredom factor related to assignments, which is all too common. Hence, no need to pick up and scroll through your phone either. Talk about hitting two birds with one stone!

Write notes to gather your thoughts

Notice how we said write and not type? When you have an assignment due, one of the best things to gather your thoughts and predict your course of action is to make notes. Writing them down helps you remember them better. On the other hand, typing notes creates a sense of alienation from your work, so you may want to avoid doing so. 

Writing notes is a great way to meet deadlines as it pretty much sets the pace of the entire assignment. You know how to go about things if you have your thoughts in order. Therefore, instead of jumping right into the assignment, refer to your notes and take it from there. It can make a world of difference in saving type and staying on track.

Prioritize your work

When it rains, it pours! There is a fair chance that you won’t be getting an assignment one at a time. You will most likely be getting a couple or more things with overlapping deadlines. As If one wasn’t bad enough, now you have to worry about meeting the deadline for several! What do you do first?

Simple, you prioritize. Which assignment do you need to do first? Do it and get it out of the way. It may sound obvious that this is what you should be doing. However, most students choose to do the ‘easiest’ one first and create a mess. Regardless of which is easy, break the assignments down in terms of priority and tackle them accordingly. By doing this, you won’t fall behind on the timer on anyone of them. You may compromise on quality if you rush through, but hey, more on how to do quality assignments another day!


We have talked about some of the things you can do to ensure that you don’t miss deadlines for assignments. These include prioritizing the ones with the sooner deadlines, writing notes, creating a study group, and most importantly, keeping your goddamned phone away! Try out some of the things we have mentioned. But remember, only you know where your limits lie. Notice how you are still reading and still haven’t started. What are you waiting for, stop reading and get to work!