Every society is experiencing a surge in numbers with respect to the victims of drug and substance abuse. It is a problem that knows no bounds as it affects all age groups and every gender. Recent studies indicate that 42% of school-going children drink, 21% are hooked on marijuana, whereas 3% use cocaine. Some commonly abused drugs besides the ones mentioned include; heroin, methamphetamine, depressants, hallucinogens, khat, ketamine, and counter medicines.

As governments and health organizations grapple with this problem, it is essential to acknowledge that understanding the root cause is crucial in achieving tangible results. Virtually every case of drug and substance abuse can be linked to some particular instance. This should not, however, be taken to mean that drug abuse is justified under any grounds. A closer look at some of the factors that can lead to addiction;
Peer pressure
Many young men and women end up abusing drugs and other substances due to the influence of friends. They usually feel the need to engage in such habits to belong and show their loyalty.
Several things that can lead to stress, relationship, and financial issues top this list concerning the stress level they can cause. The temptation to run away from facing and dealing with these challenges leads others to turn to drugs.
Physical/sexual abuse
Undergoing physical and sexual abuse can be traumatizing. Victims find it difficult to live with these painful memories, and because they are trying hard and fast to get them out of their minds, some wrongfully turn to drugs. They hope that they would eventually forget these unfortunate events in their lives.
Personality disorder
Personality disorders such as antisocial behavioral disorder can easily lead to drug and substance abuse. The inability to socialize and make friends can push someone into a lonely corner, and with no one to share experiences with, turning to drugs comes as an easy option.
Lack of parental supervision
The pressure to meet the family’s high financial needs can cause parents to overlook their supervisory roles towards their children. When they are not closely monitored, children can take advantage and engage in destructive behaviors and go unnoticed for so long.
Low-income family communication or bonding
How you communicate with your kids matters a lot. When children are constantly scolded and not given room to speak their minds, they become defiant. Because they are convinced that nobody is willing to listen to them, they decide to take solace in drugs and other harmful substances.
Anxiety disorder/depression
Not being sure about the outcome of a particular action can be pretty challenging. It can be an interview or an exam; such expectations, if not well managed, can lead to depression. A person who is depressed will turn to anything that can help them drift from reality. They then become soft spots for substance abuse.
A number of those who get into the habit of using drugs and other substances never anticipate that they could eventually get hooked. The process usually is gradual, and without swift intercession from an expert, things can easily get out of hand.
Dealing with the crisis of drug and substance abuse requires concerted efforts. No single government or institution can accomplish this mission on its own. Parents need to rise and assume their roles in raising responsible children. Teachers should also coordinate with parents to report any unusual behavior from their students. The risks involved in this vice are huge considering the damage it can cause to any society’s social fabric. The youth are indeed the leaders of tomorrow, and since they are most affected, the future is at stake. Governments bear the largest burden in this operation, not just in dealing with traffickers but also in streamlining legislation to ensure that victims are rehabilitated.
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