I still remember as a kid, going home from parties with a bag full of candy. I also remember my mom not being too happy about it! I always tried to be conscious about this when our kids had birthday parties, finding some alternatives to candy. Also consider that most kids eat junk food and get sugared up at parties, and are usually overtired and over-sugared when it comes time to leave, so having to deny candy from a goody bag can be recipe for a complete meltdown.
While a few treats are fine, I like to have a balance of treats and other favors. In a day and age of food allergies and other issues, candy can be a sensitive topic. As a parent of a child with a nut allergy, we are far too familiar with party foods and party favors that were not allergy-friendly, or did not have packaging with allergy information on it. (That also goes for Halloween and other events). We have had many occasions shrouded with disappointment, so here are some ideas that do not involve candy.

- Arts & crafts items – crayons, markers, pencils, pens, stickers, mini notepads. You can often find school supplies on deep discount after school starts, or buy in bulk on Amazon or stores like Oriental Trading Company.
- Chapstick
- Mini bubbles
- Mini Play-doh containers
- Stickers – cut or tear apart sheets of stickers if needed
- Erasers (you can usually find packages of different theme erasers)
- Gel pens
- Hair ties, barrettes

- Stamps – small, self-inking rubber stamps. You can often find these for very cheap at a craft store, or buy in bulk and save extras for future parties.
- Mini figures (such as small plastic animals)
- Nail polishes
- Silly putty
- Socks (e.g. cute seasonal socks from the $1 bin at Target)
- Grow caps – the little capsules that you put in water and watch grow
- Coupons (e.g. free slice of pizza, free ice cream cone)
- Mini games
- Mini bags of popcorn, pretzels, Pirate’s Booty, goldfish, etc.
- Snacks (we like Annie’s Homegrown, Clif Kids, etc.)
- Rubber ducks
- Origami paper

These are some fun ideas and better ways to approach these party favors!
Wow! Thanks for giving me an idea of what I’m doing with my niece bday. I love it!
Great list of ideas! I always try to include several non-candy party favors in along with one or two non allergy related foods to balance it out.
Awesome ideas!!! I love that candies are not factored in in the party. The Origami paper diy is a fantastic idea.
I think non-candy favors are more memorable especially ones you can hold onto. It’s always nice having that memory to keep!
These are really some fun ideas for kids party favors. I know my son would definitely appreciate the playdough and art supplies.
Ah, the nostalgia of childhood parties and those candy-filled goody bags! The excitement was real, but I can still recall my mom’s slightly concerned look – a classic case of too much candy.
I love your thoughtful approach to non-candy party favors for kids! Your diverse list of ideas, from arts and crafts items to mini games, shows your consideration for allergies and preferences. It’s wonderful to see you create a balanced and enjoyable party experience for everyone. Great job!
Great ideas. I have a few friends whose kids are allergic to things like chocolate and also parents who don’t allow their children to eat sweets.
Silly Putty or slime has been a go to for us in party bags, along with fidgets that are themed to the party! There are some great ideas in this.