Genetic testing, also known as DNA testing, is a scientific procedure whereby biochemical analysis identifies changes in the DNA sequence or chromosomal structure. Most people identify DNA testing with paternity tests, but it is actually a test that identifies biological markers to determine if two people are related. As far as paternity testing is concerned, a fetus inherits half of its DNA from its father and a half from the mother. The procedure usually involves getting samples from the father, mother, and child to determine the child’s paternity accurately.

The Importance of DNA Testing
The main purpose of paternity DNA testing is to determine the child’s biological father when the duties of the father need to be defined, such as child support. Paternity tests also determine who the biological parents are in case of a custody dispute for instance if a child had been stolen. There are other legal purposes for DNA testing, such as adoption, criminal investigations, ancestry mapping, and tax requirements. DNA testing can be a personal decision or a requirement by the law; therefore, it can be legal or non-legal.
Legal and Non-Legal DNA Testing
A non-legal DNA test is for information purposes. On the other hand, a legal DNA test is admissible in a court of law for custody or other paternity legal demands. It, therefore, has to be conducted with a specific chain of custody procedures. When taking a DNA test, it is advisable to take a legal test for reference in future legal cases.
Finding A Reputable DNA Testing Facility Near Me
The following are key points to consider when choosing a genetic testing lab:
- Ensure that they are credible by determining that the lab’s geneticists are professional and experienced.
- The lab’s website should appear professional and they should explain their methods as well as their pricing in detail.
- They should ensure the client’s privacy and indicate if they share the client’s data, and who gets to access this data.
- There are various DNA testing facilities and kits in the market that are considered to be accurate. It is essential for legal purposes to get a DNA test from an AABB, i.e., American Association of Blood Bank accredited lab, which is considered to be 99.9% accurate.
The Different Kinds of DNA Testing
There are various kinds of DNA testing available in the market today. They include:
Paternal Testing
This is a test that determines the paternity of the child in question. Autosomal (Autosomes testing) testing determines the biological parents.
Prenatal Paternity Testing
It is non-invasive prenatal testing that is done within 7 weeks of pregnancy.
Male Lineage Test
This is a Y chromosome test that determines if a child is related to a certain male lineage.
Mitochondrial DNA Testing
This test determines genetic information on the maternal side.
DNA testing is broad, and it is not just about paternity or relationships; it is about identity. Advances in technology have provided affordable means by which people can determine various relations hence getting the much-needed answers and closure they need on paternity and family trees, which is an important aspect of identity.
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