Pet owners know that dogs offer so many amazing and comforting qualities that can have a significant impact on a person’s life. Not only can dogs feel like a family member, but they can also serve therapeutic and service purposes as well. Service dogs can be used for a wide range of disabilities, ranging from seizure disorders to Alzheimer’s disease. If you or a family member are beginning to suffer from Alzheimer’s disease, it is a good idea to look into getting a service dog to help over the course of the disease.

How should I prepare my household for a dementia service dog?
If you’re serious about getting a dementia service dog, it’s important to have them prepared with the proper dog accessories, including a dog harness. Joyride Harness offers the best no pull harness for dogs, which is a great thing to have for any service dog. This leash attachment will help maintain a sturdy control of the service dog and prevent any pulling. A no-pull dog harness is also a great way to prevent any discomfort around your dog’s neck and your dog’s chest. Providing this sense of leash control for the dementia patient and maintaining comfort for the dog will guarantee a successful relationship between the patient and their service pup.
What are the best dog breeds for Alzheimer’s patients?
When looking for a service dog, it’s important to understand that certain breeds are best trained to help with specific things. While some dogs are great at leading blind people, others are better at helping dementia patients. Dogs that are typically the best option for helping those suffering from Alzheimer’s include German Shepherds, Border Collies, Golden Retriever, and Labradors. These larger dogs are incredibly smart and can help their owners live a happy life despite their memory problems.
How do service dogs help Alzheimer’s patients?
As a result of the progression of the Alzheimer’s stages, the patient will suffer from significant memory loss and delusions. While it’s impossible to completely stop the progress of the disease, it’s possible to help slow it down. Engaging in daily activities and exercise has been shown to help slow the course of the disease, and having a pooch that enjoys daily walks is the perfect way to get a dementia patient involved in some healthy outdoor adventures.
It’s also important for Alzheimer’s patients to remain social, so living with a pup can help patients engage in social interactions if they happen to be home alone. While it may not be as efficient as human interaction, it’s certainly better than nothing and is a good way to remain socially active. All dog owners know that having a dog involved with any activities of daily living helps maintain a happy and social environment, so providing that for a dementia patient is a great way to slow the progress of Alzheimer’s.
What are the basic service dog tasks?
Dementia service dogs are trained to help with the various stages of Alzheimer’s and any difficulties that these patients may endure on a daily basis. Dog trainers prepare these service dogs to be incredibly caring for their owners and independent for their own sake. Many trainers will prepare these service dogs to take care of things such as their own feeding schedule, as their owners may forget due to memory loss. These dogs are also trained to remind their owner to take their medications or to lead them into a safe environment if they become lost.
While many dementia patients will often be accompanied by a spouse or a caregiver, having a service dog is still a great idea. These dogs can help the patient’s spouse or family members feel more comfortable in the event that they need to run their own errands or can’t be around their loved ones suffering from Alzheimer’s 24/7. Not only will a service dog protect and care for their owner, but they will provide a great sense of relief and comfort for their owner’s family members as well.
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