Spring is finally here, and for most, this is the time to shed our winter clothes and start soaking that spring sun in. This is the season for rejuvenation, and things just feel brighter and better. But just as everything else in life, spring isn’t just lollipops, sunshine, and rainbows. It’s also the itchy nose season to some, and it also comes with its fair share of beauty challenges. Especially when it comes to skincare. However, with the right regimen in place, you’ll be able to enjoy bright and fresh skin and get ready for the summer. Here are some of the most common Spring skin problems, and how to tackle them.
Berloque Dermatitis
Everybody loves when the sun is out, but as you may already know, the sun is one of the biggest causes of skin damage. One of the conditions that are exacerbated by exposure to sunlight is Berloque Dermatitis.
Berloque Dermatitis isn’t caused by direct contact with sun rays, however. It is a chemical reaction that occurs when UV rays interact with compounds found in beauty products such as perfumes and moisturizers. Berloque Dermatitis causes irritation and sometimes manifests as blisters and reddish dark spots, which look a lot like sunburn.
What’s the solution to Berloque Dermatitis? It’s simple. If you notice that a certain product causes irritation or symptoms when in contact with the sun, switch to all-natural alternatives. If you’re looking for a natural option to your regular moisturizer, you can try 100% pure squalane oil. Squalane oil mimics some of the properties of sebum in your skin. Not only will it make your skin feel fresh and supple but it is also great to revive hair and even your cuticles.
Contact Dermatitis
Contact dermatitis is very similar to Berloque Dermatitis. The main difference is in the way you contract it. As its name implies, contact dermatitis is the result of contact, namely with plants, pollen, and other allergens. The heat combined with prolonged contact with jewelry can also exacerbate symptoms.
The best way to deal with contact dermatitis is to reduce exposure to allergens and invest in a good anti-itch cream. Antihistamines can also help if the symptoms take too long to go away.
Spring weather can also exacerbate eczema symptoms in some people. While it is often hereditary, eczema can also be triggered by your environment. For instance, things like humidity, pollen, and sweat can result in itchiness and redness in certain spots.
If you find yourself coming down with eczema symptoms, the best thing you can do is use a topical cream made specially to treat it. While there are tons of different options on the market, go for one that is free of fragrances and possible irritants. Also, make sure that you speak with a dermatologist if you haven’t already, as you may need additional treatment.
Acne Breakouts
Spring can also be a nightmare if you have acne-prone skin. In this case, the sun is to blame. Acne breakouts aren’t caused by direct exposure to light, however. Too much sun exposure can end up drying your skin in many cases. Also, the heat and the sweat that comes with it can make your acne even worse.
If you want to avoid spring breakouts, the first thing you should do is to always bring wipes with you so you can get the oil out of your pores when you’re out. This step alone will make a huge difference. Also, consider switching to a powder foundation if you’re using a liquid one, and use a cleanser that has proven anti-acne ingredients in it.
All of these tips will allow you to solve common skin problems during the spring. Make sure that you follow them to the letter, and don’t hesitate to speak with a professional if symptoms become too severe.
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