If you have recently noticed mold in your home and are alarmed and asking yourself “is white mold dangerous?” – you are in the right place! Keep reading to learn more about what white mold is and if it can affect your health or not.

What Is White Mold? 

First, it’s good to understand that white mold is not a specific type of mold. There are different mold species that may appear white. Typically the white mold that you find in homes is aspergillus, Penicillium, and Cladosporium. These molds thrive in moist areas where they have a food source such as wood.

After a while white mold changes in color after they produce spores. Some molds appear white in their early stages because the spores have no pigment. If the mold still has a white color after some time it’s probably due to the material it is growing on.

Sometimes white mold is confused for mildew but a good way to tell the difference is that mildew rarely ever grows on surfaces other than plants and it does not destroy materials like mold does. Mold will penetrate porous surfaces like drywall and wood and ruin them 

Is White Mold Dangerous?

Now on to answer your initial question. Is it dangerous or not? The truth is all molds have negative side effects. White mold is an early stage of black mold, which we all know is a dangerous and toxic mold. 

Some symptoms that people experience from white mold include allergic reactions, eye irritations, dizziness, nausea, eye irritability, and even depression. 

If you suspect that you are dealing with mold at home then it is a good idea to have a mold testing and removal done. Even if the test comes back negative it is better to be safe than sorry. 

The bottom line is that all types of mold should be considered a potential health risk and should be removed as soon as possible. The longer you wait the worse it will get and the more health risks it will pose.


Sometimes white mold can be confused for efflorescence because of its white appearance. Efflorescence is a type of salt deposit that is caused by salty water that seeps through stone, brick, or concrete. Once the water evaporates a white crystalline is left behind called efflorescence and it looks like white mold.

Efflorescence will not spread like white mold does and you won’t have to worry about any health risks. 

Time to Get Rid of That Mold! 

Now that you know what white mold is and the answer to the question “is white mold dangerous?” it is time to start cleaning any mold you have in your home. There is no need to put yourself or your family in danger from mold exposure.

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