As you prepare for your next outdoor travel, you have to be very mindful of the footwear that you pack. As minute as that detail may seem, the shoes that you’ll bring along are actually very important. Remember, you won’t bring your whole closet, so you have to be sure that your shoes are going to be able to withstand walking outdoors. And, as a mom, following and chasing after young kids outdoors is no easy feat! Your feet will definitely give up one way or another. You also have to ensure that the pair you bring is comfortable, or else you won’t enjoy your trip. Because of this, you might even be forced to buy a new pair of shoes, which can also be costly.

To keep this from happening, here are some of the best kinds of shoes that you can bring with you as you travel outdoors:
- Hiking Shoes
Hiking shoes may also come in the form of hiking boots. The best hiking shoes nowadays are created to have simple, classic designs and colors that can go with whatever you’re wearing. If trekking is part of your itinerary, hiking shoes are a must for the following reasons:
- They keep your feet warm, if you’re hiking or traveling in cold countries.
- They protect your feet from possible stings, bites, and cuts when you’re out in nature. This option also makes it the perfect choice of footwear for kids, so accidents are more avoidable.
- Flats
You might not believe it, but your trusty ballet flats are going to come in handy when you’re outdoors. There are also many designs of ballet flats that are foldable for travel, making them easy to pack. When you’re packing for a family plus kids, you need these types of shoes that are not only versatile, but also take up the least possible space. Moreover, it’s the perfect transition shoe, should you suddenly need a dressier pair for dining out after a long day of hiking. This cuts short the time needed for you to get an outfit ready, more so when you know that extra time is almost always impossible to have when you need to prepare the kids as well. In this context, one can think of wearing the best golf shoes of popular brands like “Loom Footwear” which brings for you some of the finest designer shoes for men & women that prefer something flat, while traveling. Else, there are always hiking shoes and trekking shoes for the adventurous ones that want to tread the broken path.
These flats can come in handy in the following evening activities:
- Walking through night markets
- After-dinner play with the kids, if there are places where you have to remove your shoes, and put them back on
If hiking isn’t on your agenda, ballet flats are also excellent walking shoes.

- Running Shoes
If your outdoor travel isn’t going to be in a place with freezing weather conditions or harsh trails and treks, ordinary running shoes are going to do perfectly fine. You can choose to bring minimalistic-designed running shoes for women and men during your trip.
The basic premise is this: if running shoes can keep your feet comfortable when you’re running, then it only follows that they can do the same during a whole day of adventuring outdoors. Whether you’re exploring heritage sites, or walking through the city streets, your running shoes will keep you covered the entire day. When you’re a traveling mom, you know that comfort is key.
Bringing a pair also opens up the opportunity for you to squeeze in a little time for exercise! One of the best ways you can explore a place is to run or jog through it early in the morning before everyone is out and about.
- Espadrilles
For both men and women, and even for children, espadrilles are also great for outdoor travel. These are casual shoes, usually made of canvas or leather, with a sole that’s made of flexible and comfortable roping.
Espadrilles can be perfect when you’re traveling to warm countries. They are also very light to pack, and they go with almost every outfit. If your outdoor travel consists of walking through city sites, the beach, or other warm tourist spots, it’s better to keep your feet comfortable and cool with thinly-covered shoes.
Other benefits that you can gain from wearing espadrilles include:
- Comfort
- Perfect for summer trips
- There are many cheap but durable options that won’t get worn when overused on a trip
- Sandals
Sandals come in all forms of styles, and can be worn by both men and women. If you aren’t hiking in harsh weather conditions, hiking sandals can be a great choice. It gives your feet the arch support it needs to keep you comfortable while walking and trekking.
If you’re going to the beach one day, then the mountains on another, and the countryside on the next, sandals are very versatile. Like flats, they’re also stylish enough to use on formal nights out in a fancy restaurant.
Comfort beats fashion all the time. But if you can wear a pair of shoes that gives you the perfect balance between comfort and style, then why not? As moms, you’d want to look great in your travel photos without losing the comfort needed to chase around after the kids while on a trip. The key to picking the right footwear is to give yourself the chance to break in the shoes before you travel. Wear them before you pack them. That way, you can test the fit and its comfort level. Traveling outdoors will surely be an enjoyable experience with the family if you bring the right footwear for your adventure.
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