I received a copy of this album in exchange for my honest review.

If you haven’t heard of The Story Pirates, be prepared to be entertained!  This unique music group creates music from children’s stories, bringing to life some really interesting tales!

This summer, The Story Pirates are releasing their second album, “Backstroke Raptor”.  We really enjoyed their first album in 2018, “Nothing is Impossible”, which turned out to be an award-winning project.

I love how creative this album is!  It has a great way of using improv with music, and when you let kids inspire the music, you are going to end up with some great creations that kids will really enjoy.

The title track, “Backstroke Raptor”, can be described as a “B-52s-style surf rock dance tune” with some wacky lyrics.  Can you picture a raptor doing a backstroke?  The song is authored by Ben, a 7 year old, and the music and lyrics are both very entertaining.

I also got a kick out of β€œThe Wizard Who Could Just Go Poof”.  This song is a rap-version of Pachelbel’s Canon, and I like the creative twist on such a classical song.

This album is full of imaginative songs, and the Story Pirates created some fantastic music with the materials they were given.

Between podcasts, performances, and their albums, The Story Pirates are worth checking out!  The Story Pirates are performing shows in NYC and Los Angeles this summer and fall.  And kids may submit story ideas – so your kids can share their ideas any time!