If you work in health and social care and you want to further your education, it can be hard to know where to start. With so many different routes available, it can be difficult to know which is the best for you. For most, the priority will be being able to study alongside their social work career. Whilst this may seem impossible, being able to study online can be a big advantage. With that in mind, here are 5 ways to further your social work education online:

– Find Accredited Online Courses

When it comes to health and social care there are a number of different governing bodies that help the standards of social care stay as high as they are. In order to do this, they train workers to be able to work to standard practices with their many courses. If there is a particular area you know you want to go into, the best place to check is these governing bodies websites.

– Follow Influential People In The Social Work Industry

If you want to further your education but you’re not interested in getting involved in any courses, the people you follow on social media could teach you something new when you least expect it. With so many influential social care workers on social media, they will regularly be sharing their tips and advice when it comes to navigating the industry. Following them on social media will mean you don’t miss a thing.

– Follow Governing Bodies And Companies In The Social Work Industry

Similarly to the above, following important companies in the industry will help keep you up to date with all of the latest news. One of the best ways to further your education is to ensure you know what is happening in the industry, so half an hour of social media scrolling a day could really benefit you.

– Take An Undergraduate Degree Online

If you want to take your education to the next level, doing an online degree in social care could be the next best step to take. Whilst it will definitely take some time to complete, you won’t have to leave your position in order to succeed. With plenty of choices available, you can also be sure there will be a course that suits your needs.

– Do An Online Master’s Degree

If you already have a degree in social care, an advanced accredited online social work program might be the next best option. If you’re looking to really exceed in the industry, a Master’s degree is one of the best ways to show that you’re committed and dedicated to learning everything you can about social care. Not only will it further your career, but it will also increase your earning potential too.

Do you work in Social Care? How could you further your education online? Let me know in the comments section below.