They will always be your child. However, when the time comes for your dear one to pave their own path and move out, you need to face the reality that they are no longer your dependent. While they may have grown out of your family home, it doesn’t mean they’ve outgrown your family. You can still be a supportive parent at a distance, and this can even bring opportunities to bond as adults. Here are five important items you can help your child with when they’re moving out.

1. The Right Cookware

If your child has a hectic work and study routine as well as social engagements, it’s likely they won’t be using too much of their free time for perfecting their cooking skills. Let’s face it, many young adults will encounter a bit of a slump in their dietary habits as they adjust to preparing their own food. You can, at least, ensure that they have the right, sturdy cookware that they cannot damage with a rushed hangover fry-up.

2. Cost-Effective Utility Suppliers

You probably had a strategy or a plan in place for your utility bills long before your child was even old enough to comprehend a bill comparison. Even if they contributed to the bills in the family home, your child probably hasn’t had too much exposure to actually managing or selecting their utility suppliers. This could be a great opportunity for you to pass on your learned skills and knowledge of how to set up accounts, compare fares and negotiate rates.

3. Quality Bedding

We may be long past the era of when you would tuck your little one into bed with their favorite soft toy and a kiss on the head. Nevertheless, you can still help ensure they feel snug, warm and comfortable in their new home by investing in some quality bedding. Whether this is something you gift them or guide them with, make sure to choose fabrics dependent on the climate of where they are living and temperature control of their home.

4. Efficient Cleaning Products

If working with a tight budget, encourage your child to start with a basic, quality vacuum cleaner for their new home. A vacuum is a versatile asset as it is useful for cleaning all types of surfaces including carpeted areas, rugs, floorboards, under beds and sofas, corners and more. There are modern, lightweight vacuum designs available now that are easy to store in smaller homes and sometimes contain attachments, or detachments to become handheld vacuums for getting into nooks and crannies.

5. Security Features

Your child should feel secure in their new home (so that you, too, don’t have to worry!). A full security check of any new home candidate is a must. Review what locks may need changing, create multiple key copies, ensure there are no unsealed entrances and adequate, working fire alarms. Kids today are incredibly tech-adept, so high-tech security devices such as bluetooth smart door locks that can be controlled from their cell phones can be a great option. If fire alarms are older or non-existent, add one for every room of the house to your items list. You cannot be too careful.

It’s natural for your emotions to run a bit high when your child reaches adulthood and moves out of your family home. Remind yourself that, ultimately, this time is a cause for excitement and support. Now you’ve got these five essential items covered, it’s time to get to work and make sure your child has their housewarming essentials sorted!