Full of food and lacking in enthusiasm is the way many of us approach the new year. With the fun festive period now over and done with for at least another 12 months, it can be hard not to feel a little deflated when January comes around. But fear not! There are plenty of healthy, easy, and cost-effective ways to beat the post-holiday blues, without battering the bank balance or braving the cold weather. Here are our five favorite easy ways to the beat the blues this January.

Five Easy Ways to Beat the Post-Holiday Blues

1. Get Back Into Your Old Routine.

Over the holidays, our routines can slip. This means that we are often lacking in sleep and exercise and suffering after eating all the wrong foods. As wonderful as it is to put your feet up and relax, getting back into your better habits can help to boost your energy and give you a renewed sense of well being.

    Be sure to eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, try and do at least 30 minutes of exercise every day and get back to bed early. Getting a good 8 hours sleep, and treating your body kindly will help you to shrug off the post-holiday blues.

    2. Put Down The Bottle.

    Many of us enjoy an alcoholic beverage or two over the holidays. But whether you like drinking beer with friends, or enjoying fine wines in exclusive restaurants, now is the time to consider going sober.

      You donā€™t need to go teetotal forever, but January is a great time to reduce your alcohol intake.  Alcohol itself is a depressant, and over indulging not only makes our bodies feel dehydrated and rotten, it can add to your low mood. Drinking plenty of water or natural juices will not only help you feel better but will help you look better too.

      3. Go Out And Be Sociable.

      Most people feel the need to hibernate during the winter months. Ā Itā€™s cold out, money is in short supply, and you may feel like you need to hide away from the world. But in fact, the opposite can really help to boost your post-holiday blues.

        Arrange to meet friends, go for a coffee, or take part in an outdoor activity. Meaningful adult conversation as well as lots of laughter will help to lift your spirits all year round.

        4. Take Stock And Make Plans.

        The holiday season probably made a severe dent in your bank balance and an even bigger dent in your self esteem. Check your financial situation and deal with any financial issues head on. Burying them wonā€™t make them go away, so approach them now and put them right.

        The same applies to the way you feel about yourself. If you have gained weight, make a plan to drop a few pounds if it is bothering you. A healthy diet, plenty of exercise, and maybeĀ an addition healthy supplements can be helpful. Set your longer term goals for later in the year so you have something to work towards.

          5. Book A Vacation.

          Finally, get your next vacation nailed down to give you something to really look forward to. Finalizing your arrangements will also give you an extra boost if you are looking to lose weight or save money. Ā 

            However you ease yourself into the next year, we wish you all a healthy and happy new year!